Monday, May 31, 2010

Low Effectiveness And High Cost Mar Ampyra Release

The first and only oral drug intended to improve walking in multiple sclerosis patients, Ampyra, was approved by the FDA in January. Acorda Therapeutics, the maker of the drug, has presented numerous studies about the effectiveness of Ampyra. After several months in general release, Ampyra has seen slow but steady sales but faced questions about effectiveness and side effects.

How Ampyra is used

Ampyra is a sustained-release Fampridine SR pill. Ampyra is intended to block some potassium in the body and restore nerve impulses. Though Ampyra has been studied for spinal cord injuries, it has been approved to help patients with Multiple Sclerosis walk more easily and more quickly. The annual cost of Ampyra is about $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 a year. What are the risks and rewards of this drug that could take no faxing payday loans to get?

How Ampyra is used

In double-blind studies, Ampyra improves walking speed in MS patients. About 35 percent of patients taking Ampyra improve their walking speed. The original studies used by Acorda Theraputics to get the drug approved relied on twice-a-day doses. As sold in the United States, Ampyra is a sustained-release pill. Ampyra is supposed to be taken in addition to other MS drugs that treat symptoms.

The numerical effectiveness of Ampyra

The statistical significance of Ampyra’s effectiveness is there – but only barely. The patients who took Ampyra in the study did improve their walking speed by a bit. Patients were able to walk 25 feet between half and .88 seconds more quickly. The statistical significance of this change is just barely above chance. If an MS patient is declining in ability to walk, though, then this less-than-a-second improvement could mean the world.

The side effects of Ampyra

There are significant side effect warnings with Ampyra. Almost 15 percent of patients experienced urinary tract infections, and insomnia and dizziness are also very common side effects. Patients taking Ampyra also reported relapses in symptoms almost twice as often as patients taking a placebo. The drug in Ampyra, Fampridine, is actually a bird poison that can cause severe human seizures.

What Ampyra’s sales look like

Acordia reported $ 3.4 million in sales for Ampyra. The first packages of the drug were sent to pharmacies on March 1. About 2,000 prescriptions for Ampyra were written between March 1 and April 29. The chance of walking just a second or two faster may or may not be worth the health care costs for many patients, though.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Did Keenon Aampay Hall Fail Student For Not Impregnanting Her?

Teacher of the year in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Keenon Aampay Hall, has been accused of a sexual relationship with a student. When the student refused to father a child with Keenon Aampay Hall, he alleges that she gave him a failing grade. Keenon Aampay Hall has admitted the relationship, though she claims she resigned from her teaching position for medical reasons.

The allegations against Keenon Aampay Hall

A 17 year old senior in Keenon Aampay Hall’s class has accused her of a sexual relationship. After Keenon Aampay Hall gave the student a failing grade in her class, the student went to school officials about the six-month relationship. Allegedly, the teacher had told the student that he should father a child with her – and when he refused, she failed him. Allegedly, pornography was also found on Keenon Aampay Hall’s school computer.

Keenon Aampay Hall leaves her job

At the beginning of this school year, Keenon Aampay Hall was awarded “Teacher of the Year” in Gwinnett County. Keenon Aampay Hall resigned her position as a teacher, though she claims it was for medical reasons. In the paperwork, Keenon Aampay Hall admitted to having a consensual sexual relationship with the student. This teacher supposedly spent quick payday loans on this relationship, including cash to pay for hotel rooms, cabs, a cell phone, and more.

The consequences for Keenon Aampay Hall’s alleged crimes

Several separate investigations have been launched in Gwinnett County. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission is going to be reviewing the complaint against Keenon Aampay Hall next week. The commission can, if they so choose, revoke Keenon Aampay Hall’s teaching license. The county police are also investigating, under the authority of a new law that makes it illegal for teachers to have sex with students, consensual or not. Hall will have to pay restitution well above and beyond the $ 35,600 a year salary of a teacher in Georgia, as well as register as a sexual offender.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Title: North Korea News Has Stock Market Scared Of Rogue Nuclear State

Stock market traders are scared and the patience of world leaders is being tried as headlines are dominated by North Korea news. The world has gotten used to North Korea’s anti-social behavior, but recent acts have many saying the nuclear dictatorship has crossed the line. North Koreans are starving yet the nation has developed nuclear weapons and torpedoed and sank warship from the South last month. After all available evidence implicated North Korea, South Korea responded with a naval exercise on Thursday. North Korea then pulled the plug on a hotline set up between the countries to prevent such flare-ups. Analysts grasping for an explanation believe North Korea’s recent provocations may have something to do with the succession of power.

The North Korea nuclear test

The first North Korea nuclear test in 2006 started painting a picture of a more desperate, impoverished dictatorship that would rather blackmail than borrow money. The Washington Post reports that since President Obama took office, dictator Kim Jong-il has launched missiles, conducted a second North Korea nuclear test and seized a pair of U.S. journalists. In March a North Korean submarine torpedoed and sunk the South Korean warship Cheonan in South Korean waters, killing 46 sailors. After the South cut off aid and commerce with the North this week, upon reviewing evidence implicating the North in the Cheonan sinking, the North suspended all ties with Seoul. It seems likely that the South will seek additional sanctions from the U.N. Security Council, which will provoke more threatening behavior from North Korea.

Cheonan ship sinking

After the Cheonan ship sinking, North Korea news analysts are laying out another theory about the most recent boorish behavior from the Pyongyang regime. The attack may be part of a plan by aging strongman Kim Jong-il , a recent stroke victim, to hand over the reins to his 27-year-old heir. The New York Times reports that the succession theory fits in with the established North Korean behavior patterns. North Korea’s deliberate criminal acts, when viewed through logic, seem to hasten the country’s decline. But not to Kim Jong-il. He needs to create a warlike atmosphere against a foreign enemy to rally public support. As for the Cheonan ship sinking, giving his son credit for planning and ordering a successful naval attack in a disputed sea border with the South boosts Kim Jong-un’s credentials as a “ruthless leader” who can command the military.

North Korea news: one thing for certain

No one ever really knows for certain what is going on with North Korea news. At present the succession theory for North Korea’s recent provocations can only be a guess. CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria said North Korea nuclear tests and other bad behavior could be considered simple blackmail – until the Cheosan sinking. Zakaria added that in the past, there has been considerable tension between South Korea and the United States on how to handle North Korea. Maintaining the status quo may not be possible anymore after the Cheonan sinking. Still confused, but united, South Korea and the U.S. are making it clear that their patience has finally run out.

North Korea stock market fear

North Korea’s stock market influence continued to be felt this week. When the North Korean government ordered its citizens and troops last week to be ready for combat, investors ran for cover. In an interview with MarketWatch about the North Korea stock market issue, Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers, said, “The words of the North Korean leader commanding his troops to be battle-ready are yet another excuse for markets to recoil once again.”

Find more information on this topic:

Washington Post reports

New York Times reports

CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria

Determining Whether Your Car Is Antique Or Classic

Nothing really beats a perfectly restored antique or classic car. Elegant line, solid construction, dazzling chrome and even genteel carriage evoke pleasant memories of the past, transporting us into personal fantasy where “They don’t make them like they used to” never rings false. But how are you supposed to know if your hobby cars are classical or antique? Lucky for us, there are guidelines. Don’t forget that whether a car is a classic or an antique, it should generally not be used as a daily commuter unless you have unlimited funds at your disposal and don’t need auto loans to purchase vehicles.

Aren’t antique and classic the same thing?

It isn’t necessarily true that classic and antique are the same as some would argue. According to Wikipedia, “classic car” is used to refer to high quality vehicles from pre world war II era. However, 20 years of life for a car is approximately double the expectancy intended for most modern cars according to U.S. auto insurance laws, so the “classic car” title sets in after a car is 20 years old. And classic or antique car insurance is almost always more expensive than insurance for a standard vehicle because older models don’t have the same safety features that come standard in newer cars. In the United Kingdom, the term “antique car” isn’t used for anything, although they do use the phrase “vintage” to refer to vehicles more than 100 years old.

Get a hold of the Classic Car Club of America

The Classic Car Club of America (CCCA) has many people who live and breathe classic and antique cars. They have developed their own standards for what constitutes “classic” or “antique” when it comes to cars, and those standards are stringent. Classic is what they call cars that are considered expensive mass market vehicles made between 1949 and 1985. Original parts need to be included in these cars and it doesn’t necessarily have to be American-made. The Antique Automobile Club of America classifies any car older than 25 years antique, but “the legal definition for the purpose of antique vehicle registration varies widely,” according to Wikipedia.

Things tend to be a bit different in the UK

Car insurance companies in the UK also play a role in defining what “classic car” means, but the timeframe is just a bit different. Cars made 15 to 25 years ago are considered modern classic cars, but to confuse things a bit, UK insurance companies don’t really care that much about this. Cars not in the guidelines are still collectible sometimes.

Final word on the classic car insurance

Funneling money into maintaining and restoring a classic or antique car makes insuring it essential. You should discuss the matter with a licensed insurance agent if you want to fully protect your classic or antique car investment.

Find more information on this topic:

Wikipedia (classic car)

Wikipedia (antique car)

Classic Car Club of America

Wal-Mart Sales Revenue Clouds U.S. Economic Recovery Predictions

Because of Wal-Mart’s sheer volume and scope, economic analysts pay close attention to Wal-Mart sales revenues. Wal-Mart sales revenues are used as an indicator of consumer spending and the health of the economy. Recent sales reports for some of the nation’s biggest retailers have met or exceeded expectations. An April jobs report shows a lot more hours, a lot more pay and more hiring. Right now, Target sales are up while on the other hand, Wal-Mart sales are down. But officials from both companies are saying that the consumer comeback many hope will drive the U.S. economic recovery from the Great Recession may not be sustainable.

Article Resource: Wal-Mart sales revenue clouds U.S. economic recovery predictions By Personal Money Store

Wal-Mart sales report

Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, averages more than 100 million shoppers each week. A lot more than $ 400 billion in annual sales are generated by shoppers with fast cash. reports the Wal-Mart sales report really shows revenues worldwide rose 6 percent to $ 99.1 billion, which beat analysts’ forecasts of $ 98.45 billion. However, sales at Wal-Mart stores that are open at least a year — a key metric of retail performance called same-store sales — fell 1.4 percent within the three months ending April 30. In the exact same period a year ago, same-store sales rose 3.6 percent. The first-quarter drop follows a 1.6 percent decline in same-store sales during Wal-Mart’s fourth quarter.

Wal-Mart sales revenues 2010

Wal-Mart has reported in the sales report logs the company's fourth quarter of dragging US sales. The Wall Street Journal reports that Wal-Mart forecasted its U.S. sales would continue to be sluggish this summer considering the working-class customers who form Wal-Mart’s base still reel from the effects of the recession on their personal finances. Rising gas prices and unemployment heading into the summer cloud the Wal-Mart customer's outlook even more.

Target sales revenues

Wal-Mart sales revenues and their contrast to Target sales revenues say something about the U.S. economic recovery in 2010. Target, as the Wal-Mart rival, reported a 29 percent increase within the first quarter of their income. The Associated Press reports that Target’s rising sales revenues are a huge sign the retail chain is drawing a ton of customers away from competitors such as Wal-Mart. However, during a conference call to investors, Target Chairman and CEO Gregg Steinhafel said “Clearly, the economy and consumer sentiment have improved given that the weakest point in 2009, but we believe that both are nevertheless somewhat unstable and fragile and will likely continue to experience occasional setbacks as the year progresses amid a stubbornly high jobless rate.”.

Economic recovery in the US 2010

Target, as a Wal-Mart type store, took a huge hit during the Great Recession. Wal-Mart’s sales and profits rose during the recession as cash-strapped Americans left supermarkets and department stores in search of bargains. Wal-Mart seems to be losing the customers it won during the downturn as the economy gets better. Numerous of those customers have apparently been taking baby steps to Target.

Predictions for US economic recovery

Wal-Mart’s U.S. demographic could have to pull out their wallets for the U.S economic recovery to be sustainable. The article makes a note that retail sales expanded over the last seven months because around 40 percent of current spending comes from 20 percent of the highest incomes. Also, because of events like the stock market Flash Crash and European debt crisis, the rate of the retail sales increases fueled by some households has slowed since March.

US recovery is strange and long

For Wal-Mart to shore up the sputtering economic recovery, they’ll need a lot more work and more money. The U.S. unemployment rate stuck at nearly 10 percent, the underemployment rate is increasing, wages decline for people who can find work and inflation-adjusted income is flat. It will take a lot more than three years to bring the unemployment rate below 6.3 percent, where it was at the peak of the 2001 recession at the current economic growth.

Economic recovery for US headwinds

Wal-Mart’s troubles, the retail sector’s outlook and the health of the economy at large are facing what Sandra Pianalto, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, calls a “powerful headwind.” As reported in the Washington Independent, Pianalto said a heightened sense of caution is driven by deep uncertainty the standard of living Americans had become accustomed to, within the past, will return. Those who began their careers within the mid-1980s have experienced mostly prosperity with the exception of two very brief downturns. Expectations have shifted quite a bit due to this long and deep recession.

Citations reports

Wall Street Journal reports

Associated Press reports

As reported in The Washington Independent

Friday, May 28, 2010

Individuals to delete Facebook accounts on Quit Facebook day, May 31

May 31 is Quit Facebook Day. “How do I delete my Facebook account” is a top search inquiry on Google. Because of internet privacy issues, hundreds of millions of Facebook users are deleting their Facebook accounts and protesting. In April, Facebook changed default privacy settings to allow the Internet at large access to personal details once available only to friends and networks.

Article Source: May 31 is quit Facebook day meant for individuals to delete their Facebook accounts

Facebook and privacy problems

Monday, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg sought to reassure the public with an op-ed article within the Washington Post that Facebook would learn and adapt to accommodate Internet privacy concerns. Facebook’s privacy difficulties, including the “How do I delete my Facebook account” movement and the Quit Facebook Day were both inspired by a recent practice began by Facebook to make fast cash on the vast database of user information it has collected. Advertising companies were given info that might be used to look up individual profiles, which, depending on the site and the info a user has made public, include such things as a person’s real name, age, hometown and occupation. Various large advertising companies that were identified by the Wall Street Journal are receiving the data, including Google Inc.’s DoubleClick and Yahoo Inc.’s Right Media.

Internet privacy issues

Internet privacy issues have become harder to ignore now that there are more than 400 million Facebook users that have accounts with default privacy settings allowing everything but contact details and birthdays to be accessed by anyone. Facebook has also changed how personal info is classified various times in ways that many users see as deliberately confusing. Quit Facebook Day questions Facebook’s intentions and also the fairness of the choices it gives its users. Individuals wanting to know how do I delete my Facebook account believe Facebook doesn’t respect users or their personal information.

Quiting the whole Facebook addiction

Those who began Quit Facebook Day surely have many work. They acknowledge at that quitting the Facebook addiction wouldn’t be easy even if it were easy to figure how to delete your Facebook account. Quit Facebook Day admits that Facebook is “engaging, enjoyable and quite frankly, addictive.”. They equate the difficulty of quitting the Facebook addiction to quitting smoking. Perhaps most importantly, they say:

“the way to quit Facebook is not to start a group on Facebook about leaving Facebook.”

Internet and privacy issues

Quit Facebook Day is May 31, but Future Tense reports that deciding to quit Facebook is a lot simpler than quitting. Users can search through menus until they then come upon a link to deactivate their account but suddenly, they are confronted by pictures of individuals they have friended, along with messages from Facebook about how much they'll miss them. After deactivating, event invitations and messages nevertheless come through. You have to do a couple of a lot more steps to delete the account for good. Facebook doesn't lose all the data although the user will. This info will likely be used by them for data mining.

Getting a privacy loophole fixed

In response to internet privacy issues and Facebook's privacy problem, Zuckerberg explained that if people were to share more, the world would be a lot more connected. Facebook said last week that it is fixing a privacy loophole that allowed advertisers to access user identification and potentially other info according to the Washington Post. Zuckerberg said there could be a simpler way to control user details. Facebook will add privacy controls that are much simpler to use and provide an easy way to turn off all third-party services.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wal-Mart iPhone 3GS sale clears shelves for Apple 4G iPhone

Shelves cleared by Wal-Mart of the 3G iPhones for the 4G iPhones

Wal-Mart is cutting prices on the iPhone. The iPhone price was cut down to $ 97 with a two year AT and T contract. Analysts say the Wal-Mart iPhone sale means that Apple is trying to clear out old merchandise ahead of next month’s expected launch of a new 4G iPhone model at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference. Other industry developments leading up to Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference have industry sources buzzing about what’s in store for the iPhone.

Resource for this article: Wal-Mart iPhone 3GS sale clears shelves for Apple 4G iPhone By Personal Money Store

The triangle of intrigue for the iPhone 4G

Tuesday was when the Wal-Mart iPhone sale started for Apple's entry level 16-gigabyte 3GS phone. Meanwhile, just a few weeks before Apple’s conference, the Wall Street Journal reports that AT and T will charge smartphone customers fees the size of installment loan for breaking their AT and T iPhone contract early — nearly doubling fees from $ 175 to $ 325 beginning June 1. The third point in the iPhone 4G triangle of intrigue is that Steve Jobs will be the keynote speaker at the Worldwide Developer Conference. Jobs usually has a grand announcement up his sleeve when he makes any kind of appearance at a high profile technology event.

Future with the 4G phone bet on by Apple

The Wal-Mart iPhone sale confirms that Apple is ready to unveil its 4G iPhone, according to the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal, which reports that such a move signals Apple is confident that the 4G system, not available yet in most U.S. cities, will be widely and rapidly adopted. Analysts say widespread 4G adoption may be two to three years away. The same article reports that AT and T’s iPhone contract decision to hike the cost of terminating service is being seen as a defensive move to keep iPhone customers from jumping to other carriers.

AT and T feels threatened by Verizon iPhone

The Verizon iPhone will be announced at the Worldwide Developer Conference rather than the iPhone 4G. When the Verizon iPhone happens, the SV/SJ Business Journal reports that AT and T could lose 40 percent of its iPhone customers, about 6 million accounts. The blog reports that by raising termination fees, AT and T plans on keeping customers chained to AT and T for another two years after the Verizon iPhone is launched.

Will games be charged with 4G?

4G is offering download speeds 10 times faster than 4G. Apparently the exponential boost in data transfer is will put an end to buffering when content loads for video, music streaming and large format images on smartphones. In the business world, 4G will let companies to expand mobile workforces without network gridlock and make video-conferencing routine. Media smartphone users will be able to send high quality live video reports.

More information on this topic

Wall Street Journal reports

Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal reports

MacGruber Hits Theaters, Fails To Blow Minds Of Critics

There had been MacGruber movie rumors for a while, and now it is in theaters. The Saturday Night Live parody of MacGyver was a hit with fans, and it made for some great commercials, but it is not much of a hit with critics. It will be competing at the box office with the fourth and final installment of the Shrek franchise, Shrek Forever After. The reviews for both are lukewarm.

Article Resource: MacGruber hits theaters, fails to blow minds of critics By Personal Money Store

MacGruber hits the big screen

After all the television shorts and Super Bowl spots, MacGruber is now a feature film. It will compete for box office payday cash with a film starring an SNL alumnus, that being Mike Meyers. The MacGruber character parodies action heroes from the 1980s, complete with mullet. Nevertheless, the target audience may be regrettably unaware of the stereotypical character, such as Nada from John Carpenter’s They Live or MacGyver. Rotten Tomatoes gives MacGruber a score above 50 percent, but Kurt Loder of MTV is non-plussed.

No a lot more Shrek sequels forever after Shrek Forever After

There won’t be an additional Shrek Forever After this sequel. Sequels tend to get repetitive, and Rotten Tomatoes gives a rating of just over 50 percent. Sequels tend to run out of steam eventually, and some film franchises run out of steam right away because they just stink (For example, Transformers.) It is in 3D, though. Visually it should be interesting.

Survey says

We’ve all seen the MacGruber trailers and TV spots, so we know what we’re getting. It could be amusing, though not exactly a brainy film. SNL movies are rarely very good. Shrek has the 3D to rely on. Something can look great, but if it's a lousy movie, it is still a lousy movie. However, a lot of individuals certain are confident that it does.

Additional information at these websites


Kurt Loder

Rotten Tomatoes

The PacMan 30th Anniversary

May 22, 1980 marked the release of one of probably the most legendary video games of all time, and May 22, 2010, will be the Pac-Man 30th anniversary. The game has been among the biggest video game successes of all time, along with Mrs. Pac-Man and other games. The PacMan game is one of the three video games exhibited by the Smithsonian Institute. In fact, Google put a PacMan free online game within the homepage.

Article Resource: May 22 is Pac-Man arcade game 30th anniversary By Personal Money Store

Google observes Pac Man 30th anniversary

To observe the Pac Man 30th anniversary, Google came up with a Google Pac Man logo (aka Google Doodle). Oh, and also you can play the game too. You can play it. Look at the search bar, you’ll see a button reading Insert Coin. Click on that, and also you can play PacMan until the cows come home, without needing instant loans for a video game site subscription or a lot more quarters.

PacMan is now 30

On May 22, 1980, Pac Man was released in Japan, according to the Pac Man wiki. It was intended by Toru Iwatani, during his time at Namco Games. (As a sad aside, he didn’t even get a bonus or share of the sales.) He set out to develop an alternative to the typical popular games at the time, which were typically similar to Asteroids or Galaga. Midway Games picked it up soon after it became a quick hit to sell within the US. The horizontal Pac Man table is still a highly sought after collector's item.

Where to play PacMan

The Google homepage has a PacMan game for the moment. There are PacMan games all over the web, which is a series of tubes according to sources. There’s an Apple app, that you are able to download PacMan with for the iPod Touch, iPhone, and probably the iPad. It is an icon of video games, and on its 30th anniversary, Pac Man is still incredibly popular.


Pacman wiki

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Making A Point About Free Speech With Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

Everyone Draw Mohammed Day Causes A Stir

Thanks to Facebook fame, May 20 is the pseudo-official "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day". There are lots of odd holidays out there – some official and some not. Some people, including the organizers, see this day as a way to spark debate. This "holiday", though, really runs a lot more of a risk of anger than understanding.

Article Resource: Everybody Draw Mohammed Day – Making a free speech point By Personal Money Store

The events that spurred Everyone Draw Mohammed Day

The free speech questions behind Everybody Draw Mohammed Day have been building for years. A tenant of the Muslim religion bans showing images of God or the prophet Mohammed. The first controversy of the depiction of Mohammed by non-Muslim artists began in 2005, when a Danish newspaper printed a full-page layout with numerous depictions of the prophet. Just a couple of weeks ago, a South Park episode that satirizes the prohibition on showing Mohammed caused death threats to be leveled against South Park creators. Some estimates blame this five-year controversy for as many as 200 deaths, and it has led to lawsuits in and outside of the United States that have costs running into the millions of dollars. Rather than get instant cash loans to hide from the threats or hire bodyguards, numerous people are facing the threats head-on.

The point of Everyone Draw Mohammed Day

An artist within the Northwest decided that Everybody Draw Mohammed Day would be a good way to spark debate. A paper in Portland, Ore., the Portland Mercury blog encouraged Everybody Draw Mohammed Day as a way to respond to the threats on the “South Park” creators. As outlined by the Facebook page created for Everyone Draw Mohammed Day, the creators are hoping to "spark severe debate in international forums.”

Results of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

The popularity of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day has sparked reactions from a wide variety of organizations and individuals. For a short time, Facebook did delete the page, though access had been restored as of May 20. Within the United States, many are calling this day a way to celebrate free speech. Some religious tolerance groups are concerned that the “celebration” of the day could very easily turn into mockery of all Muslims, not just the extremists that are the intended target. Some countries have really blocked access to Facebook and YouTube.

Tell me your opinion? Is this "celebration" dangerous or offensive? Is this move a more benign thing, expressing rights to free speech?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Guerdwich Montimere, 22, Arrested For Posing As HS Student

Guerdwich Montimere, 22, Nabbed For Posing As High Schooler

Guerdwich Montimere clearly is a subscriber to the notion that patrolling the halls of high school equals the best of times. The 22-year-old graduate of Fort Lauderdale, Florida’s Dillard High School missed that since his 2007 graduation. Montimere was a top-flight basketball player there, so much so that he helped them to reach the state semis. He did make an effort to make it in junior college, but could not stick within the lineup; maybe he needed an installment loan to pay for tuition but couldn’t qualify. By 2009, the American citizen from Haiti must have realized he wanted more of the basketball life, but that he was not quite good enough for playing time – that is, unless he was playing against 15-year-olds. The perfectly logical, perfectly immoral step to follow was Montimere disguising himself as a 15-year-old so he could join t! he team at Permian High School in Odessa, Texas. Guerdwich Montimere (aka Jerry Joseph) played that role straight into a jail cell, says the Odessa American newspaper.

Guerdwich Montimere was using a fake ID

Guerdwich Montimere carried that fake ID with him the entire time he lived with Permian head basketball coach Danny Wright. This was particularly galling for Wright, who considered Montimere “a family member” who would never do such a deceitful thing. ”The whole school of Permian embraced that kid. He deceived us and played on everyone involved’s emotions, "said the distraught coach to the newspaper.

”I feel like I was hit by a ton of bricks. In my 50 years in education, I’ve never heard of anything like this,” said Permian High School athletic director Leon Fuller to the media.

A hot tip from the Sunshine State

Reports indicate that Permian High School received a hot tip from unnamed sources in Florida. Possibly a friend or family member with a stronger moral sense than Montimere spilled the beans? Whatever the case, that tip is what led immigration to Jerry Joseph’s door. Their investigation led to Joseph’s unmasking as Guerdwich Montimere.

At least they have football

Permian High School won’t suffer too much from this debacle, as their football team is so popular that it inspired both the book “Friday Night Lights” and the television series of the exact same title. Guerdwich Montimere went for the half-court shot with his dangerous dame, and the Permian Panthers will have to forfeit their basketball season because of it.

Sources for the article

USA Today

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I-24 Sinkhole And Canada Sinkhole Wreak Havoc

If you plan on taking the I-24 in Tennessee, your plants might not work considering the sinkhole. A deep sinkhole opened up on I-24 between Chattanooga and Nashville, and shut down a 13-mile stretch of the heavily traveled road. Last week in Canada, a family was killed in their basement as a sinkhole opened up. What is the deal with sinkholes?

Article Resource: Sinkholes wreak havoc – I-24 Sinkhole and Canada sinkhole By Personal Money Store

I-24 sinkhole stops Tennessee traffic

The Tennessee Department of Transportation reported today the I-24 sinkhole opened up Tuesday morning. A tractor-trailer missed the sinkhole just barely after it opened up, and nobody was injured or had to take out new car loan as a result of the sinkhole. The sinkhole is 40 feet long and 25 feet deep, and will take $ 266,960 to fix as authority hopes repairs can be completed by May 22. A private contractor has been given the contract. Between mile marker 127 and exit 127 is where the sinkhole is located. Traffic has been detoured around the sinkhole on Eastbound lanes, though Westbound lanes have not been closed.

Canadian sinkhole kills family of four

A sinkhole that opened up in Canada ended up killing a family of four. Just outside Montreal, a sinkhole appeared under several homes, and one family who was in their basement at the time was encased within the sloshing mud. Neighboring houses were evacuated, and also the area is being treated as a disaster rehabilitation area by the Canadian government.

What is a sinkhole?

There are various causes for sinkholes to open. Usually, water either running below bedrock or seeping in from above works away at the underlying support of an area. The water will dissolve the rock and also the area's weight becomes too much. Next, a sinkhole will appear suddenly. Sub-surface waterways, sewer piping and abandoned mines are some of one of the most common causes of sinkholes. Though Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri and Pennsylvania tend to have the most sinkholes among U.S. states, sinkholes can be difficult to predict.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Offered By HDNet Is Uncensored Nudity On Cable With Girls Gone Wild

Offered By HDNet Is Uncensored Nudity On Cable With Girls Gone Wild

HDNet, Mark Cuban’s cable television network, is teaming up with the producer of “Girls Gone Wild” to create a new variety show. HDNet is preparing on airing the first episode Thursday of next week of “Girls Gone Wild Presents: Search for the Hottest Girl in America.” According to an HDNet press release, the show will feature “thousands of wild college girls who’ll do anything to be voted the Hottest Girl in The US.”

Mark Cuban’s Girls Gone Wild scheduled by HDNet

Cuban’s announcement of the new HDNet show has drawn outrage. Some think Mark Cuban’s Girls Gone Wild, a bold try at big financial returns from late night ratings, is giving instant cash loans to a graphic porn business in disguise. HDNet is usually incorporated in cable HD packages with Comcast, DirecTV, Dish Network and Verizon. HDNet is not a pay-to-order station like HBO or Showtime.

Mark Cuban and Girls Gone Wild

Girls Gone Wild Presents: Search for the Hottest Girl in America is planned by HDNet to air at 1 am Eastern and 10 pm Pacific. “We’re very excited to work with the Girls Gone Wild team to launch this show,” Cuban says in the HDNet release. “The program is a cool, behind-the-scenes look at the GGW enterprise and a wild ride for our viewers. It’s a perfect fit for the new, unrated, late-night programming block that we air as part of our ‘Guys Night In’ lineup every Thursday.”

Parents beware: Girls Gone Wild

Mark Cuban’s Girls Gone Wild on HDNet has gotten the attention of Donna Rice Hughes, President of Enough is Enough, an organization dedicated to shielding kids from what it considers inappropriate content. Donna Rice Hughes made headlines in 1987 when she derailed Gary Hart’s presidential campaign because she had an adulterous affair with Hart. In an interview with Fox News, she came across like a talking billboard for the show, urging many different kids to watch:

“Parents beware- ‘The Hottest Girl in America’ show is yet another sexually exploitative show that entices teenage girls and young women to bare all and behave provocatively in order to be featured on the show and potentially win the show’s title role,” Hughes said. “This show, in the same vein as its equally inappropriate predecessor ‘Girls Gone Wild,’ gets girls to imitate porn stars, strippers and pole dancers, cheered on by scores of hungry, horny boys.”

Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild riches

Partner with HDNet’s new Girls Gone Wild reality show is Joe Francis. His Girls Gone Wild franchise has made him a fortune by filming young women exposing themselves and engaging in lewd conduct. Late night TV is where these videos are advertised and sold. The LA Times reports that Francis’ business, Mantra Films Inc., makes an estimated $ 40 million a year from the sale of videos like “Ultimate Spring Break, Vol. 4″ and “Girls Gone Wild on Campus Uncensored.” In 2006 Francis pleaded guilty Tuesday to violating federal laws designed to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and agreed to pay fines totaling $ 2.1 million.

Uncensored HDNet

In the overnight programming block, HDNet plans on running Joe Francis’ Girls Gone Wild Presents: Search for the Hottest Girl in The United States uncensored. Shows airing after midnight do not require warnings. The show is not listed under “adult-themed” on HDNet’s schedule, although the teaser trailer has been classified as “not appropriate for work.” There can be an edited version accessible as outlined by HDNet that could be viewed at all times and with all viewers.

Article Resources

HDNet show

HDNet release

Fox News

Food Network Chef, Juan-Carlos Cruz, Arrested

Food Network Chef, Juan-Carlos Cruz, Arrested

Despite the fact that it is generally amusing to think of a Food Network chef being arrested, the arrest of Juan-Carlos Cruz is not funny. The Food Network chef arrested no longer works for the Food Network, which may explain why he was “very cheap” when he allegedly hired 3 people to kill his wife. Maybe he used no faxing payday loan to pay for it?

Arrested in Santa Monica is Food Network Chef

The Food Network Chef arrested, Juan-Carlos Cruz, is due to appear in a Santa Monica courtroom this morning. His alleged plot to hire 3 homeless individuals to kill his wife fell apart when one of the individuals he hired turned him in. Identified as “Big Dave,” “Little Dave” and “Shane,” the men described Cruz as “very meticulous” and “very cheap.” He is being held on $ 5 million in bail.

Low calorie cooking is what the arrested chef specializes in

Juan-Carols Cruz, the Food Network chef arrested, has made his public celebrity chef name on low-calorie cooking. After he appeared on a Discovery Channel Body Challenge show, Juan-Carlos Cruz lost a variety of weight. A former pastry chef, Cruz changed his cooking focus to low-calorie meals. The Food Network chef that was arrested had once starred in Calorie Commando, a show dedicated to “replacing the junk in food with healthy alternatives.”

Watch demo reel of Food Network Chef arrested

Food Network chef arrested was part of the weight loss industry

The U.S. weight loss market is estimated to be worth more than $ 65 billion. The Food Network Chef who was arrested has been a part of this industry most recently with his cookbook. The $ 7.49 cookbook, "Juan-Carlos Cruz Calorie Countdown Cookbook" got 4 ½ star ratings. This cookbook probably isn't paying the bills although Juan did hire himself out as a speaker and consultant.

Article Sources

Boston Herald

Wire Update

Career Started As Motivational Speaker By Bristol Palin

Many celebrities and previous politicians go into motivational speaking eventually as Bristol Palin has done also. A stable of inspirational speakers, Single Source Speakers, has added her to the roster. Usually, Christian inspiration is the topic of these speakers along with a focus on abstinence. However, Bristol is asking for a heck of a payday loans no fax to simply say “you shouldn’t get pregnant as teenager.”

Source for this article: Bristol Palin begins career as motivational speaker By Personal Money Store

Bristol Palin bill will run up to 30-grand

Despite the fact that she may not command as much attention (or money) as her mother, Bristol Palin is asking for anywhere from $ 15,000 to $ 30,000 to appear at special functions, according to Time . Granted, you can learn about the downside of pregnancy with a quick browse of Wikipedia or WebMD for free, but a lot of people will likely be willing to shell out to see a famous politician’s daughter. Her speaking engagements are being handled by Single Source Speakers, which features Christian inspirational and motivational speakers. Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees also works with Single Source Speakers.

Following in famous footsteps

Sarah Palin has been giving many speeches lately as well. She also has a huge price tag, too, as she demanded a public university (that means with taxpayer dollars) shell out large bucks to meet her demands to get her to speak at University of California Stanislaus. She’s been on quite the tear recently with speaking engagements, a new book coming out, a rumored bid to run for President in 2012, and with FOX News commentaries.

What has Bristol been doing?

Aside from her motivational speaker career, Bristol Palin has been busy. Besides raising her young son Tripp, she has been working on a book of her own, and she has a guest role appearance on an episode of “Secret Life of the American Teenager” on ABC Family. As a teenage mother, she has to pay the bills somehow.

Discover a lot more info on this topic


Single Source Speakers

Friday, May 21, 2010

Field Of Dreams For Sale At The Farm Where The Film Was Shot

At The Farm Where The Film Was Shot, Field Of Dreams For Sale

For sale is the Field of Dreams. "Field of Dreams" is the move made in 1989 about an Iowa farmer who builds a baseball diamond in his cornfield. On land near Dubuque, Iowa, the Field of Dreams was built by Universal Studios for the movie. Building the set for the movie turned the Field of Dreams farm into a tourist destination for Field of Dreams memorabilia. They are asking $ 5.4 million for the Field of Dreams farm–193 acres of land including the field and surrounding land plus the house used in the movie, two souvenir stands and six other buildings.

The Field of Dreams and also the farm

The Field of Dreams is for sale after 20 years and also the movie was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award that ended up going to “Driving Miss Daisy.” ”Build it and they will come” ended up being a central theme within the “Field of Dreams” script. After film crews left, the Field of Dreams farm remained, and come they did, to the tune of about 65,000 visitors a year. ”Build it and they will come” became an American catch phrase, mostly for expensive new major league baseball parks, built with payday loans no fax of taxpayer dollars that would increase attendance and line the pockets of team owners for a few years until the novelty wore off.

The Field of Dreams and the movie script

The Field of Dreams script came from the 1982 book “Shoeless Joe,” by W. P. Kinsella. The Ray Kinsella character, played by Kevin Costner, is a former city boy trying to farm in rural Iowa with his family. The lines within the “Field of Dreams” script that became famous occur when Ray walks through his cornfield and hears a voice in his head say “If you build it, he will come.”. Ray resents his father for never taking risks in his life. Ray follows the advice of the voice in his head and carves a diamond out of his cornfield. “If you build it, he will come,” was soon co-opted into “If you built it, they’ll come” by major league baseball owners talking up their new ball parks.

Field of Dreams high price

The Field of Dreams is for sale at a price that far exceeds the going rate for farmland in the area. The DesMoines Register reports that a 2009 farmland value survey by Iowa State University showed average values for top-quality land in Dubuque County, where the field is located, as high as $ 4,685. The sellers believe Field of Dreams memorabilia adds about $ 4.5 million in tourism value to the 193-acre parcel worth about $ 904,205. The Field of Dreams is for sale without stipulations; the buyers could plow the field and grow corn. But the price of corn would have to exceed the value of Field of Dreams memorabilia for that to happen.

Resources for the article

the Field of Dreams farm

“Shoeless Joe,” by W. P. Kinsella,%22+by+W.+P.+Kinsella&source=bl&ots=_uZduc3aOU&sig=UD2TojMWrXRq4r1ifqTr0o4gcgA&hl=en&ei=yJLtS_DuGZLSsQPE1oTCBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CC0Q6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false

DesMoines Register reports

Cell Phone Camera Captures Teacher Beating A Student

Houston Teacher Beats Student And Gets Caught On Tape

When a teacher beats a student, it's not a joke – but that's what students first thought they were seeing in Houston. The teacher beating a student was caught on tape with a student’s cell phone, and it has caused outrage as well as school district and police department investigations. Because she has been fired, the teacher will have to useshort term loans to pay for her defense. Either way, the “teacher beats student” question is raising blood pressures across the nation.

Cell phone video of teacher beating student

The so-called “teacher beating” caught on tape by a cell phone shows an event where a teacher beats a student. The teacher beating caught on camera shows a young man backed into a corner, then dragged out and kicked, hit, and slapped by an adult woman. The teacher is allegedly Sherri Davis, a science teacher at a Houston charter school. The entire teacher beating caught on tape started, evidently, as the 13-year old boy had teased another student. While students in the classroom admit that Isaiah Johnson was misbehaving, there is no justification for a teacher beating up a student.

Charges to be filed within the teacher beating student event

When the school district was informed of the teacher beating student incident, they placed teacher Sherri Davis on administrative leave. Now the beating has been captured on video and posted to the internet, Sherri Davis has been fired. There were multiple other students and school employees within the room at the time of this teacher beating, but none ever intervened. Numerous teachers in this country are both overworked and underpaid, though not nearly as many "just snap" as one might expect. The incident has caused an investigation to be launched in both the sheriff's department and school district. The treatment of Isaiah Johnson may lead to Sherri Davis being charged with assault, among other possible crimes. In Texas, the fine for aggravated assault can run up to $ 10k, about a full quarter of the average yearly teachers' salary.


CBS News

L.A. Times,0,6024071.story

UK Telegraph

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Babies Movie Violates California Child Labor Law, Some Claim

Does The Babies Movie Violate Child Labor Laws?

”Babies,” the documentary movie by Thomas Balmes, is a chronicle of the lives of four infants from different backgrounds. The film is without dialogue, but bouncy music scores the moments of these infants’ lives. ”Babies” reviews make a point of reminding how cute it all is, but the 80-minute film distributed by Focus Features may not have that extra something that goes beyond the surface goo-goo. Adorable little ones and emotionally manipulative music may work in commercials, but a feature-length study calls for a lot more depth, say some critics. The “Babies” movie has been gaining less plot attention and a lot more noise for claims the product may have violated child labor laws (and may need no faxing payday loans to dig their way out from under a potential mountain of fines).

Did the ‘Babies’ movie mistreat just a little baby?

USA Today reports that various sources are concerned over whether “Babies” subject Hattie (who lives in San Francisco) was dealt with in a way consistent with California law. In that state, infants must be at least 15 days old and have a doctor’s note and legal permits before they can be filmed commercially. In addition, California infants may only be on camera up to 20 minutes per day in such a venture, and at that time they must be accompanied by a nurse and a studio teacher for which the producers of the film project must pay. In the case of the “Babies” movie, critics claim they didn’t follow the rules with little Hattie.

Film producer said the exact same rules didn’t apply

The producer’s actual reason was much less standoffish. In actuality, “Babies” producer Amandine Billot informed the Associated Press the children were cast while still unborn. After their birth, they were filmed “in their natural environments, like a wildlife film of human babies,” Billot said. While no investigation has officially begun, the “Babies” movie team could face fines ranging from $ 50 to as much as $ 5,000 per event if child labor experts decide to move forward.

California, the anti-’Babies’ state

California certainly needs cash, so they could effortlessly choose to go after the film. CEO James Schamus is ready for a fight, nevertheless. He told the AP that no child labor laws were violated and vehemently stated that “irresponsible conjectures” against the “Babies” movie are just that – mere speculation. ”The filmmakers more than adhered to both the letter and spirit of the law,” exclaimed Schamus.

Curious to see those ‘Babies’?

Remember, “Babies” has received some optimistic notes. In fact, here’s one that’s quite good from, which claims the documentary, when simple, is “meant to revel in the miracles, radiant innocence and fun nature of babies. You won’t be able to leave the theater without feelings of warmth, happiness and delight”. Just like Sandra Bullock, brining new “Babies” into your life is not a bad thing.

Sources for the article

USA Today

Cash For Caulkers - $ 9.2 Billion In Energy Savings, 168,000 Jobs

168,000 Jobs, $ 9.2 Billion In Energy Savings - Cash Of Caulkers

Homeowners are being offered rebates from $ 3,000 to $ 8,000 for energy-efficient improvements to their homes because of Cash for Caulkers 2010, also known as the Home Star bill. The Cash for Caulkers 2010 bill, which was passed on Thursday, will dole out $ 5.7 billion over two years for a program aimed to stimulate the construction industry, which has been severely gutted by the recession. Republicans, as usual, were nearly united in opposition to the Cash for Caulkers bill, which nevertheless needs Senate approval before President Obama can sign it.

Details in Cash for Caulkers

Homeowners won't need instant cash loans for thousands of dollars in energy saving home improvements with Cash for Caulkers 2010. The name of the bill is word-play inspired by the 2009 Cash for Clunkers bill that encouraged car buyers to get rid of their gas hogs. CBS News reports that Cash for Caulkers information contain two programs: First there is the Silver Star program providing upfront rebates of up to $ 3,000 for specific energy-efficient improvements in homes, like installing energy-efficient appliances or duct sealing, insulation or new windows. A Gold Star program would entitle many different individuals to up to $ 8,000 when they conduct comprehensive energy audits and implement measures that reduce energy use throughout their homes by at least 20 percent.

Cash for Caulkers rules

To prevent fraud, Cash for Caulkers rules require licensing for all participating contractors and a certain percentage of projects will be inspected. The Silver Star program has upfront rebates at the time of purchase on numerous different renovations. There is a credit worth up to $ 1500 per improvement and is capped at $ 3,000 or fifty percent of the total cost. Following an energy audit, the Gold Star program can provide at least $ 3,000 for energy savings of 20 percent, with an added $ 1,000 for each additional 5 percent energy savings. This could be capped at $ 8,000 or fifty percent of the cost.

Cash for Caulkers home energy audit

Found on the web can be Cash for Caulkers details and needs for the Gold Star home energy program. A home energy auditor will help you determine if you can save money and the way you can do that more efficiently. Five minutes and also the your last 12 months of utility bills are all it takes for a do-it-yourself home energy audit using A professional home energy auditor will tell you more energy savings. A professional home energy auditor can be using a variety of equipment more effective for testing like blower doors, which measure the rate heating or cooling escapes the home, and infrared cameras, which reveal hard-to-detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation.

Economic Impact of Cash for Caulkers

Cash for Caulkers moves to the Senate now that it has passed in the house. It is likely that the Senate will attach the Cash for Caulkers with the next jobs bill according to CBS news. Advocates for the bill argue it will create 168,000 jobs. They also believe that 3 million households could take advantage of its programs, saving $ 9.2 billion in home energy costs over 10-years. They said it would create 168,000 jobs. The Cash for Caulkers bill would approve $ 600 million over two years for grants to states for replacing older mobile homes with newer, more energy efficient models.

Sources for the article

CBS News reports

energy audit

Monday, May 17, 2010

Will Mariah Carey Purchase Suzanne Saperstein’s Estate?

Will Mariah Carey Purchase Suzanne Saperstein's Estate?

Real estate watchers are about the only ones that have kept a close eye on Suzanne Saperstein, the “billionaire divorcee”. Now, almost 3 years after putting her $ 125 million Fleur de Lys estate on the market, rumors are that it might just be sold. If the rumors turn out to be true, Suzanne Saperstein may not need to look into a $ 125 million mortgage loan modification.

The home of Suzanne Saperstein sold?

Suzanne Saperstein's estate has been on the market for the last three years. Despite many calls to do so, Suzanne Saperstein has categorically refused to cut prices on the 35,000 square foot, 12 bedroom palace. The current rumor is, though, that Mariah Carey has put a bid in on the estate with hubby Nick Cannon. On five acres of property, Fleur de Lys contains a screening room, multiple kitchens, ballroom, and fully stocked first-edition library. If Mariah Carey pays full price and gets a good rate of interest, that’s just a mere $709,000 a month in mortgage payments for 30 years.

Suzanne Saperstein’s divorce

Suzanne Saperstein has been known for more than just the sale of her multi-million dollar home. David Saperstein, an oil billionaire, was married to Suzanne Saperstein for years. When she was on a layover in Texas, Suzanne was served divorce papers on-board the company jet. Her husband divorced her so he could possibly be with the nanny. One of one of the most expensive divorces in L.A. history, this divorce was very high profile.

The rogue of 90210 – Suzanne Saperstein?

Rather than living on her husband’s name, though, the Swedish previous model has taken the money to “explore new things.” In amongst everything else, Suzanne has helped her daughters start a fashion line that raises money for drunk driving awareness and taken up Latin dance competition. She is also spending quite a bit of money on beginning a gender-neutral ballroom facility- where same gender and opposite gender couples are equally welcomed. She may not be marching on the White House or causing riots, but this ultra-rich socialite is quietly — and expensively — making a name for herself.


On The Red Carpet

W Magazine

While Twitter Was Hacked, Twitter Follower Stats Vanished

Twitter Hacked - Twitter Follower Stats Vanish During Bug Fix

Twitter hacked” was the headline Monday as users saw their Twitter follower stats fall to zero. In a microsecond, each and every Twitter user from Ashton Kutcher to Average Joe lost their Twitter follow stats. ”Twitter hacked” ended up being just a social media wildfire rumor. Twitter disabled Twitter's follow stats in order to fix a bug that was letting Twitter users force others into following them. This is just probably the most recent social media security issue. But when compared to Blippy exposing credit card numbers online and Facebook phishing scams, Twitter hacked could be worse.

In Twitter hacked scandal, Twitter follow bug exposed

Part and parcel of Twitter being hacked rumor was that Twitter users were led to believe that Twitter was hacked after a Turkish blog exposed the Twitter follow bug and offered instructions on how to exploit it. Caroline Mccarthy at CNET says that one more blog jumped on board the loan till payday of intel. Webrazzi forced the Twitter accounts of Twitter CEO Evan Williams and Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, to follow a dummy profile. The bug allowed any Twitter member to add any followers they like by tweeting “accept” followed by “@” and any registered Twitter user name.

Falling to zero is Twitter followers

After “Twitter hacked” headlines broke loose Monday, Twitter sent a notice on the company’s Twitter feed that everyone’s Twitter follower states were affected when the bug was being fixed. ”Follow count display is set to zero and follow/unfollow is temporarily offline while we fix a bug,” Twitter stated at 1:02 p.m. eastern time. MSNBC reported that the follower lists were restored by 2:15 p.m.

Twitter hacked following Facebook phishing

The Facebook phishing scam came directly before the Twitter hacked story. According to, a Facebook event invitation was sent to some of the over 2,300 friends of Jim Breyer, who happens to be a venture capitalist who sits on Facebook’s board of directors. Breyer’s Facebook friends checking their E-mail early on Sunday morning saw a note asking them “Would you like a Facebook phone number?” Users who entered their passwords in response to the spoof message from Breyer in turn had the whole thing sent to their friends lists, too.

Twitter followers beware Blippy

Twitter being hacked and Facebook phishing has sparked a huge debate that has social media users wondering just how secure their personal info really is and what companies like Facebook and Twitter are really doing with it. One of the scariest social media security incidents adding to this debate is that of Blippy exposing credit card numbers online. Blippy has users use social networking to tell their friends all about what they buy online. Those concerned about financial security should know that somebody figured out how to find Blippy members' credit card numbers on Google. 127 results were found in a search that had full credit card numbers before Blippy fixed the problem.

Article Resources

Caroline Mccarthy at CNET

MSNBC reported's-account-is-breached/

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting A Good Vehicle Deal At Auction

Car Auctions - Know How To Get A Good Deal

If you are within the market for a used vehicle, then you’ve probably at least thought about going to a car auction. You can get very good deals at an auction, even though they are intimidating at times. What is the best way to get a great deal at a vehicle auction?

The basics of automobile auctions

Auto auctions generally happen at the very same time or place as other auctions. The highest bidder for a car gets the vehicle that is on the block. If you purchase a automobile at auction, you probably won't get a written or implied warranty. Most often, you'll find cars in one of three categories at auction. First are private owners or dealerships offering their cars on auction sites such as eBay. Any surplus autos – from federal and state agencies – are generally offered for sale. Creditors may also auction off impounded or repossessed vehicles. Auto auctions are accessible both online or in person.

In-person car auctions

An in-person car auction has many benefits. Usually, a vehicle auction will open for “viewing” an hour or two before the auction begins, and you’ll have a chance to really take a close look at the cars available for bidding. If you need to go to an auction, keep a close eye on newspaper listings or Craigslist. Register for a bidding number at the auction, and make certain you’ve automobile financing ready to go. Check out reports from AutoCheck or Carfax on your mobile phone to get a basic report on the fitness of particular vehicles. You’ll be expected to pay for any bid you win right away. Most often, the seller will provide both the title and licensing info. The auction site will typically give you between 2 and 24 hours to remove the auto from the site.

Auctioning cars online

An online vehicle auction is, in some ways, comparable to an in-person auction. The cars are still sold in as-is condition, and you'll have to register to bid. However, online auto auctions do not usually give you the chance to look into the vehicle before you buy it. If you are dealing with an auction site like eBay, you might be able to ask the sellers specific questions or ask them to take certain pictures of the vehicle. Online auctions are used to auction off government surplus as well. In these cases, the item you are bidding on is a lot more unknown – you can't really check it out. Beware of any phrases like "mechanics' special" that tip you off to difficulties.”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Known Safety Violation - San Antonio Refinery Fire

San Antonio Refinery Fire - Known Safety Violations At Refinery

Wednesday morning, just a couple of hours after the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama exploded, a San Antonio refinery fire sent a plume of black smoke to the air. When it was being loaded with fuel, an 18 wheeler truck exploded which began the San Antonio refinery fire. The San Antonio refinery set off a series of chain-reaction explosions at the refinery that lasted 45 minutes or a lot more.

The San Antonio refinery is nevertheless burning

At the San Antonio refinery fire today there were more than 100 firefighters and emergency responders. Everyone who lives within a half mile of the explosion was evacuated. The private cash lenders and other financiers of AGE Refining, Inc., are set to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. Up to 40 miles away the smoke can nevertheless be seen. Given the San Antonio refinery fire is fuel-based, it will likely burn very hot and for a very long time.

18 wheeler starts San Antonio refinery explosion

The San Antonio refinery explosion was began by an 18-wheeler truck. The truck was being pumped with fuel on a loading dock when it exploded. This set off a chain response of explosions within the refinery and started a fire that is expected to burn for several days. Hazmat crews and firefighters were working to shut off the valves that were nevertheless pumping fuel following the fire began.

Before San Antonio refinery explosion, OSHA violations given

Before the San Antonio refinery fire this morning, AGE Refining, Inc., had been cited several times for safety violations. In 2007, the San Antonio refinery was fined for 13 “serious violations”. Those violations remain “current” as outlined by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. AGE refining provides jet fuel and diesel to many customers such as the US air force, as the only refinery in San Antonio.

Watch reports on the San Antonio refinery fire

Resources for the article

NPR News

My San Antonio

The Associated Press

Jason Pfeiffer Claims Michael Jackson Had Affair With Him

Jason Pfeiffer Alleges Secret Affair With Michael Jackson

A man who has the name Jason Pfeiffer says that he was Michael Jackson's boyfriend until the day he died. Why then has the Jason Pfeiffer/Michael Jackson story just now come out? Is it another scheme to get instant cash using Jackson's fame and fortune?

Jason Pfeifer claims Michael Jackson was gay

Extrasays that Jason Pfeiffer thought of Jackson as his soul mate and says their relationship lasted until the day he took his last breath. Pfeiffer says that Michael and him grew close because of their childhoods. “We were just sitting there and we both started to cry, and I got up and went over to him and said it’s going to be OK, Michael. … We hugged,” he said. “And it was kind of then that the hug was a little bit more”. Pfeiffer said it was just a few months later that he found out Michael had mutual feelings.

Is Dr. Arnold Klein a partner to Jason Pfeiffer?

Pfeiffer was an assistant to famed dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. Is it coming back to you? Well…

Dr. Arnold Klein worked closely with Michael Jackson and was rumored to be the biological father of Jackson’s three children. In fact, he had also employed Jackson’s wife, Debbie Rowe, at one time. So, out of the ordinary stories like this come as no surprise from Klein. Klein is even stepping into the spotlight to show his support of Pfeiffer’s story, saying he knew there was something going on between Pfeiffer and Jackson when he walked in to them shirtless. “When you see two people looking at each other you know what’s happening,” he said. “I was just very happy for both of them”.

Jason Pfeiffer – the purpose of his story

Whether it is true doesn't matter since the Jason Pfeiffer/Michael Jackson love story is making rounds in the media. Pfeiffer suggested that “setting the record straight and finally telling the truth, as opposed to hiding in some house … I think he would have approved of that, yes.” Rather than hurting Michael Jackson's image with the truth, says Dr. Klein, this will squash rumors that Jackson was a pedophile.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Aaron Kelly Is The Person Who Got Kicked Off American Idol May 5

The voters spoke, and Aaron Kelly is who got kicked off American Idol May 5. The week’s them was Frank Sinatra, with Harry Connick Jr being the celebrity coach. Apparently, the help from the famous New Orleans-based crooner was insufficient for the teenage wunderkind, and he was consequently booted. We hope he gets a free plane ticket home, because he isn’t old enough to apply for a no fax payday loans yet if he needs one.

Boots put to Aaron Kelly and he is sent packing

On Tuesday, May 4, American Idol had Frank Sinatra night, and Aaron Kelly did not win over fans with his version of “Fly Me to the Moon.” Regardless of what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars, the American Idol results May 5 episode saw him booted. He sang it again at his send off. (Then again, Harry Connick Jr had taken over the stage, so he didn’t have a chance to blast the audience with Slayer as a parting shot.)

Mike Lynche almost eliminated once again

You have to give it to Mike Lynche for at least bringing consistency to American Idol Season 9. He consistently is lame. The remaining American Idol Top 4 as of the American Idol results May 5 update are Crystal Bowersox, Casey James, Lee DeWyze, and Mike Lynche. The Casey James take on “Blue Skies” caused Irving Berlin to spin in his grave, and Mike was compellingly mediocre with his version of “The Way You Look Tonight.” It’s time they pull the plug on Big Mike.

And Lady Gaga was there too

The guest performers for the American Idol results May 5 episode were Harry Connick Jr (of course) and Lady Gaga. She performed an abridged version of her song “Alejandro,” mercifully cut short by editing. Still, there are only the American Idol Top 4 left, so that means we only have four weeks to go. So who’s your pick for this year’s American Idol?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Knot - Wedded Bliss Marries Stock Bliss

The Knot - Wedded Bliss Marries Stock Bliss

If you're a bride or groom to be, you've probably heard of The Knot. Though The Knot specializes in special days, it has an announcement of its own that can be considered pretty big. Major stock rating agencies have upgraded The Knot stock to a “buy”. So should you contain purchase of The Knot stock in your instant cash wedding plan? Maybe you should, but maybe not.

How The Knot works

The Knot is a publicly held media company. The Knot specifically targets engaged couples with a website and magazine. The Nest, a new-family magazine, is owned by The Knot. GiftRegistry360, a registration service, is also operated by The Knot. It is also working to produce The Knot TV, a TV station focused on engagement, weddings and new families.

The Knot financials

The Knot has a balance sheet that is quite large, much like many of the weddings it features. The advertising alone on The Knot brings in $ 14 million each quarter. Operating expenses for The Knot are around $ 21.8 million. The Knot is able to boast a gross profit margin of about 78.8 percent. Basically, The Knot has been doing fairly well. Despite the good financial balance sheet, The Knot had stock prices drop by about $ 2.50 a share in February. Currently, The Knot stock price is about $ 8 a share.

Has The Knot been put in knots?

Of course, one would think that since the Knot has tied itself up in weddings and new families, it has limited itself as a media company. The reality, though, is that weddings are big business. The average wedding in America runs about $ 25,000 to $ 30,000. Because this is such a large business, The Knot can pull in very large advertising dollars. At the very same time, The Knot is expanding both the type and focus of its media offerings. Because they are gaining popularity, The Knot has also been focusing more on low-budget, offbeat style weddings. The Knot appears to be doing very well, no matter if you love it or hate it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Nurses Week 2010 Begins And Nurses Day Is Not Far Off

Nurses Day A Week Away As Nurses Week 2010 Begins

May 6 kicks off Nurses Week 2010. Nurses Week 2010 starts May 6 and goes until May 12, which is Nurses Day. They very easily warrant recognition. They toil day and night at hospitals, emergency rooms, and clinics at all hours of the day, all over the world. A little recognition is the least we could do for them, though we imagine many would trade a calendar label for some additional instant cash.

Nurses Week 2010 starts May 6, ends on Nurses Day

Nurses Week 2010 will start May 6, as it generally does. Nurses Week 2010 will wrap up, as all Nurses Weeks do, on May 12. May 12 is really Florence Nightingale’s birthday. She was a pioneer, and helped originate the nursing profession as we know it.

When did this begin?

It all started in 1953, when President Eisenhower was lobbied to create a day for nurses, according to the American Nurses Association website. Ike didn’t approve, but many informally observed an October Nurses Week the next year to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s service in the Crimean War. The first to officially proclaim a Nurses Week was Richard Nixon, in 1974. The International Council of Nurses began observing Nurses Day in 1965, and in 1974 declared May 12 as International Nurses Day to commemorate Florence Nightingale.

May 12 has been Nurses Day ever since

May 12 has been Nurses Day ever since, though various state governments have proclaimed May 6 as Nurses Day. It was expanded to an entire Nurses Week in 1990. The profession deserves our acknowledgment. Like Teacher Appreciation Week, a day or two out of the year to acknowledge their contributions is surely warranted.

Article resources

American Nurses Association

Pink Dress Student Geisy Arruda Expelled For Attire

Reports vary as to whether Brazilian university student Geisy Arruda – aka the “pink dress student” – wore a form-fitting pink dress or an outfit with an attention-grabbing miniskirt to school, but the end result is clear: she was expelled from the university, and fellow students started a miniature riot over it. Brazil is known for such sexually uninhibited landmarks as Carnival and nude beaches, but evidently dressing slightly too risqué set off some administrators, which in turn brought some guffaws for their subsequent act to suspend Arruda. Across Brazil, the media and populace are wondering why the university took such severe action.

Pink dress student is a natural Brazilian

Brazil isn’t really sexually shy as a nation. Although the standard of living for much of the population is low and crime is ever-present, people who have more sex and are less embarrassed by it are happier. Geisy Arruda, the undaunted pink dress student, is using the expulsion as a happy springboard into stardom. A mere six months after she was suspended, says Gather, pink dress student Geisy Arruda is well on her way to developing her own media empire with photo shoots, enhancement surgery, TV gigs and an upcoming clothing brand.

On the pink dress student – What’s Gather’s problem?

Gather tries to criticize Arruda and the society that would make her a star, but they’re barking up the wrong tree. They’re just as must a part of the culture that celebrates sex, salaciousness and all forms of rambunctiousness in between. They drool over the sex tapes of Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton; swoon over the women in Tiger and Jesse’s lives; wonder at just how numerous kids Jon and Kate, Octomom and the Duggars can pump out; and happily chastise Dr. Jack Kevorkian when covering his each and every move. Geisy Arruda, the pink dress student, simply quickened the pulse by showing off a bit. Is it fair that she’ll make more money than most individuals, particularly in her home country? No. But who said life was all communism and puppy dog tails?

What’s a celebrity these days?

Looking at the pink dress student matter from a different angle, Gather does make one good point. It used to be that talent was what made someone famous. Looking good did grease the wheels, but you had to have something extra. Now individuals can become famous by looking good have having a talent for self-promotion. There is some talent in there, as self-promotion is not something everyone can do well. So Gather is wrong when they claim that “a huge rack” is all one needs. The one-dimensional will only have their 15 minutes before they’re forgotten. The Kim Kardashians and Tila Tequilas of the world have the marketing talent to back up the looks. They might not ring your bell, but someplace, somebody’s ears are ringing. Pink dress student Geisy Arruda might or may not have the “it” factor, but so far seems like that she’s making waves.



Saturday, May 8, 2010

E-books By Google – The Kindle And IPad Killer?

E-books By Google - The Kindle And IPad Killer?

Will the iPad be killed by Google Editions? The Kindle slayer? Google Editions is a browser-based e-book platform that may have Apple and Amazon looking for no faxing payday loan. Earlier this week was announced the Google Editions launch date of late June or July. Google Editions, unlike Amazon and Apple, is a digital publishing service offering books that customers can read on any device and purchase from whoever wants to sell the books to them. But publishers may be one of the most excited about Google Editions e-books. Also unlike the Apple and Amazon business models, Google Editions will let the publishers name their own prices.

eBooks by Google Editions

The Google Editions debut was announced at Random House’s New York offices by Chris Palma, Google’s strategic partner development manager. The Wall Street Journal says Google Edition users could be able to read Google Editions e-books they discover through Google’s book-search. Including independent shops, Google Editions will let book retailers sell Google Editions on their websites and let them keep the majority of the cash.

The Google Editions launch date

The Google Editions launch date is emerging as a serious threat to the goals of Amazon and Apple to dominate e-publishing. Right now, Amazon already has more than 500,000 titles for its kindle device. You will find tens of thousands for the iPad and counting. A much larger selection than Amazon or Apple, Google has already digitalized 12 million books. iPad titles have to be purchased at Apple and Kindle at Amazon. Google Editions titles could be available everywhere, to be read on any device with a browser.

E-pub for Google Editions

In a couple of months Google Editions e-pub could turn the entire publishing world — online and in real life — upside down. In an article that was published in the New Yorker in April, Dan Clancy of Google Books said that in trying to dominate the market, Amazon and Apple were taking the wrong approach to business online. “It's much more of an open ecosystem, where you find a way for bricks-and-mortar stores to participate in the future digital world of books,” he said. “We're quite comfortable having a diverse range of physical retailers, whereas most of the other players would like to have a less competitive space, because they'd like to dominate.”

Reality check for Amazon

One of the greatest things about the Google Editions is that it lets publishers set the price of their books, and gives local bookstores a chance to compete with behemoths like Amazon, Apple and Barnes and Noble. Amazon’s book pricing policy is causing ill-will within the publishing world. Amazon is actually losing cash by selling e-books for a flat $ 9.99. The New Yorker reports that with 80-90 percent market share, Amazon thinks it can later bend publishers to its will.

Google Editions – iPad killer?

Is Google Editions the iPad killer? With the Google Editions launch date approaching, it was reported by the Wall Street Journal that publishers haven’t officially agreed to participate, but most industry insiders think it's an offer they cannot refuse. More outlets are needed by publishers to sell books. Even a bookstore on the corner will make money on millions of titles. And you do not have to purchase a Kindle or an iPad to read them. So what would be the reason to?


Wall Street Journal

New Yorker

publishers set the price of their books;txt

Autocheck Reports Or Carfax Reports – Which To Get?

Purchasing a used car could be a very nerve-wracking and difficult process – but Carfax and Autocheck reports can help make the process easier. Nowadays, a automobile history report is a standard tool in used vehicle shopping. So should you trust Carfax or Autocheck to give you info?

What is involved in vehicle history reports

Any car history report, no matter what the source, should include a few unique elements. A part of the report that lets you know if there are major mechanical problems, called a Lemon Check, is very significant. Big gaps in registration or title history should raise red flags, so a full history there is essential too. Any odometer rollbacks, accidents, or salvages on the title should also be a part of the report.

Why a Carfax report may be better

The company Carfax has been around given that 1984 – and used to be done using fax machines. There are two different types of Carfax reports – a basic history of the vehicle and a full report on the automobile. Carfax reports are generally provided for cars on used-car lots or for pre-owned vehicles. With partnerships with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, NHTSA and J.D. Power and Associates, Carfax is a well-known and well-respected vehicle history report provider.

The reasons Autocheck is useful

Autocheck is a service that opened fairly recently – a start-up owned and funded by credit reporting agency Experian. In 2009, there was a study that found Autocheck reports tended to report about twice the number of accidents as Carfax, though the severity of the accidents varied. Autocheck also provides a lot more vehicle history reports about cars from automotive auctions. The free Autocheck report has a similar amount of details as the Carfax reports.

Should Carfax or Autocheck be your source of information?

Carfax and Autocheck are both well-respected providers of used automobile history reports. If you're looking for a free report, there is not reason to not use both Carfax and Autocheck. If you're using a used car dealer, then you need to ask them to provide a report for either one of these providers. If you are paying for your own vehicle history report, then either one is a reliable option.