Sunday, May 9, 2010

Nurses Week 2010 Begins And Nurses Day Is Not Far Off

Nurses Day A Week Away As Nurses Week 2010 Begins

May 6 kicks off Nurses Week 2010. Nurses Week 2010 starts May 6 and goes until May 12, which is Nurses Day. They very easily warrant recognition. They toil day and night at hospitals, emergency rooms, and clinics at all hours of the day, all over the world. A little recognition is the least we could do for them, though we imagine many would trade a calendar label for some additional instant cash.

Nurses Week 2010 starts May 6, ends on Nurses Day

Nurses Week 2010 will start May 6, as it generally does. Nurses Week 2010 will wrap up, as all Nurses Weeks do, on May 12. May 12 is really Florence Nightingale’s birthday. She was a pioneer, and helped originate the nursing profession as we know it.

When did this begin?

It all started in 1953, when President Eisenhower was lobbied to create a day for nurses, according to the American Nurses Association website. Ike didn’t approve, but many informally observed an October Nurses Week the next year to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s service in the Crimean War. The first to officially proclaim a Nurses Week was Richard Nixon, in 1974. The International Council of Nurses began observing Nurses Day in 1965, and in 1974 declared May 12 as International Nurses Day to commemorate Florence Nightingale.

May 12 has been Nurses Day ever since

May 12 has been Nurses Day ever since, though various state governments have proclaimed May 6 as Nurses Day. It was expanded to an entire Nurses Week in 1990. The profession deserves our acknowledgment. Like Teacher Appreciation Week, a day or two out of the year to acknowledge their contributions is surely warranted.

Article resources

American Nurses Association

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