Thursday, November 11, 2010

Keith Olbermann back again in seat, requires apology

The Keith Olbermann media ethics scandal appears to have been blown away by the mighty wind of Mr. Olbermann himself. The "indefinite suspension" brought down over Olbermann’s admission that he contributed to three Democratic candidates was initially thought to are levied due to violation of NBC’s media ethics policy. At least, that’s the story circulating. However, Mediaite reports the real reason MSNBC tried to muzzle Olbermann is because he did not apologize on cue. Now the "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" host is demanding an apology from his network for the embarrassment of it all.

Keith Olbermann: No more the master of MSNBC

Mediaite accounts that MSNBC network sources have confirmed Keith Olbermann had been indeed suspended for not offering a visible mea culpa over the political contributions scandal. Although Rachel Maddow certainly is doing better in the 25- to 54-year old demographics, Olbermann has a ton of ratings also. Mediaite explains that Olbermann likely just lost it all which he used to have.

The requirements he made

The way MSNBC treated Olbermann has left him really offended. It had been explains by Popeater what really takes place. MSNBC always submitted to Olbermann's demands.

"Keith sees himself as the star of MSNBC, the person who put them on the map and discovered Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell," said a network insider. "To be treated like this… he considers disgusting."

Having pay reinstated is something Keith Olbermann demands takes place soon. He also said that, so as to be more like FOX News, the business changed its rules and policies. Fox News anchors are able to be a part of politics. Contributions are perfectly acceptable.

Based on McCain, journalist rules do not apply here

In her recent The Daily Beast column, Meghan McCain argues that such suspensions of on-air talent is foolhardy, whether it be at MSNBC, FOX News or anywhere else. "Keith Olbermann is not a journalist," she writes. She claims he is an informative and opinionated entertainer as a commentator.

"The real issue at hand is that journalists have to decide if they think about themselves journalists or commentators," McCain explains. She says that Cable News Network can have ratings go down as it has taken the "middle path" on every little thing. What do individuals want? Entertainment.

Data from

The Daily Beast



That’s Entertainment!

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