Tuesday, September 14, 2010

United States Senate picks economic council chair to be Goolsbee

Because of the shape the economy is in, President Barack Obama has had quite the beating. Arianna Huffington says that when it comes to understanding “the plight of the middle class,” he is really disconnected or at least seemed to in his speech in Cleveland. Obama said “Not anything we’ve done throughout the last two years has worked as quickly as we had hoped, and I am keenly aware that not all our policies have been popular.” The Wall Street Journal explains that longtime adviser Goolsbee likely got nominated for chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors because of this. Goolsbee’s nomination has cleared the Senate.

Austan Goolsbee was before known as a university economist and advisory board member

Austan Goolsbee is doing more than just being the executive director of Obama’s Economic recovery Advisory Board. He also is an economist at the University of Chicago business school. Numerous think that Goolsbee got White House Council of Economic Advisors chairman because of personal reasons. WSJ says it may have been because of an association with the administrations inner circle as well as a personal friendship. Christina Romer was the previous Economic Advisers chairwoman.

Goolsbee is rumored by the WSJ to have helped with the health care bill, higher education aid and also the energy push to create jobs by drafting policies with Obama. The president’s “New Foundation” for middle-class economic security is what these are supposedly for. The Huffington Post explains this.

Austan Goolsbee is probably not the change for which critics are calling

Unemployment numbers in The United States have continued to go up. At the very same time, the economic recession is not recovering as we’d hope also. There may be firings of Treasure Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers as many are mad, even as Democrats. The WSJ explains that hiring on Goolsbee as the White House Council of Economic Advisors leader is not going to change anything we don’t like.

Additional reading

Sun Times

blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2010/09/obama_cleveland_jobs_speech_tr.html”>Chicago Sun-Times

Huffington Post

huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/obama-insists-he-made-the_b_711515.html?utm_source=DailyBrief and utm_campaign=091010 and utm_medium=email and utm_content=FeatureTitle

Wall Street Journal


Austan Goolsbee on CNN’s “Late Edition,” Sept. 21, 2008


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