Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Disgraced by Rolling Stone, Gen. David Petraeus replaces commander

Gen. David Petraeus was named to replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander in the Afghanistan war. After McChrystal was portrayed in Rolling Stone as openly contemptuous of President Obama and key members of his national security team, McChrystal offered his resignation and Obama accepted it. Opinion has been universal so far that to preserve America’s civilian control over the military, McChrystal needed to go and that Petraeus is the best choice to take over in Afghanistan.

Source for this article: Gen. David Petraeus replaces commander disgraced by Rolling Stone by Personal Money Store

Political savvy of Petraeus

Gen. David Petraeus, who heads U.S. Central Command, took what looked like certain failure in Iraq and brought the U.S. war there toward a suitable outcome. David Ignatius of the Washington Post said that if the Taliban sold stock, its price would surely have fallen after Wednesday’s announcement that Petraeus would assume control in Afghanistan. Ignatius also explained that Petraeus is probably the most deft political figure he’s seen in uniform who always remembered that he worked for civilian leadership.

A win-win for Obama with Petraeus

Appointing Gen. Petraeus after McChrystal’s challenge to his leadership is a win-win for Obama, as it is reported by the Christian Science Monitor. Obama gains a top commander that comes back in the field, and he also reasserts his role as civilian commander in chief. After insulting comments about the president and top administration officials made by Gen. McChrystal and his staff to a reporter from Rolling Stone, Obama easily summoned the general from Afghanistan to Washington and he won’t be going back.

Gen. McChrystal's apology was of no help

Gen. McChrystal apologized for the article on Tuesday but didn’t say he was misrepresented by it. CNN reports that a source close to McChrystal said that during the 30-minute meeting that happened between Obama and McChrystal on Tuesday, McChrystal briefly explained the Rolling Stone article that derailed his career, took responsibility and then offered his resignation. The president “had no intention of keeping him,” the source reports. McChrystal’s personal belongings could be shipped home.

New boss exact same as old boss

Gen. Petraeus represents a change in style but not of any kind of substance according to Michael Hastings, the freelance writer of the Rolling Stone article at the center of the controversy. On rollingstone.com June 23, Hastings wrote that when Obama replaced McChrystal with Petraeus the president said it was a change in personnel, not policy, and policy has been the problem all along. Hastings said that Obama picked Petraeus because he is a master at telling Americans what they want to hear. It will be Petraeus’ job to spin Afghanistan from a defeat into a face-saving draw after spending hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives that won’t make us any safer from terrorists.

Additional information at these websites

Washington Post


Christian Science Monitor




Monday, June 28, 2010

After bond sale fails, Citgo turns to bank loans

Given the BP oil spill disaster, it is no surprise that oil-refining company Citgo is having problems getting financing. Originally, the company was looking to raise $ 1.5 billion by selling bonds. However, the business they are in combined with the fact the company is “exposed” to Venezuela made this sale a flop. Now, the company is turning to $ 2 billion in bank loans combined with somewhere around $ 300 million in bonds.

Resource for this article: Citgo has bond sale fail, turns to bank loans by Personal Money Store

Bond sale fail

Citgo, the child company of Venezuelan PDVSA, has been running at a net operating loss for the first quarter of the year. In order to raise a little bit of quick cash to run the company with, the company tried to sell $ 1.5 billion in bonds. Bonds are a group of little loans, where the company must repay the bond plus interest to investors. Citgo bonds were slated for 2017, meaning any investor who bought them would have to wait seven years to get paid back. Investors didn't seem interested.

Bank loans to the rescue

Because the pay day of bonds didn’t seem to pan out, Citgo was forced to find other options for money loans. The company turned to banks, and it was able to raise $ 2 billion. That money is partially from new credit extended to the company, and partially from “extension of existing credit lines.” These lenders don't want to risk extending credit to Citgo. These lenders have said that they are planning on turning these loans into bonds — in other words, spreading the risk out among many, many more investors.

Citgo's great operating loss

Citgo lost money last quarter for many reasons. There is political instability in Venezuela, where Citgo’s parent company are from. Though Venezuela’s state-owned oil company does not do much offshore drilling, the BP oil spill is generally affecting the oil and fuel market. This instability within the market is contributing to all of the companies like Citgo being unable to get financing to continue operations.

Don't fall for credit card debt relief scams, just do it yourself

The long, deep recession and its aftermath have created an environment in which debt reduction scams and debt relief scams flourish. Credit card debt is a major problem as the horrible economy has put millions in financial distress. Predatory debt relief companies promising peace of mind are seeking out individuals drowning in debt. But with financial discipline and effort people can stay away from even the so-called legitimate debt reduction services.

Resource for this article: Don’t fall for credit card debt relief scams, just do it yourself

A debt relief illusion

To provide debt reduction services, most companies pitching these programs offer loan consolidation plans in which you take out one more loan to pay down existing debt. Another tactic is promising to persuade your creditors to settle for under you owe. Too often what matters most to them is taking your money, not helping you reduce your debt. When it comes to negotiating for a settlement, bear in mind that it will show up on your credit report as failure to pay the debt in full, which will subtract from your credit score.

Debt management misrepresentation

That financial predators sell themselves as legitimate companies with the ability to help consumers overwhelmed by credit card debt is no secret. The Los Angeles Times reports that investigators for the Government Accountability Office posed as distressed consumers seeking help from debt management companies. Making wild exaggerations of their success rates, some companies promised savings of as much as 50 cents on the dollar.

Debt reduction fantasies

After paying big up-front fees to debt management companies, often running to several thousand dollars, many consumers end up deeper in debt than they were before. MSNBC tells the story of a woman in North Carolina who was promised by a debt management company that they would lower her interest rates enough to pay down credit card, mortgage and car loan debt three to five times faster. After paying $ 499 up front, she was assured that rate of interest savings would make up for the fee within the first 30 days on her way to a total savings of $ 2,500. No interest rates were reduced, the company would not refund the $ 499 fee as they promised and the Federal Trade Commission sued the firm.

Government debt relief scams

Claiming "government approval is a common angle pursued by debt relief scam artists today. Statements made by debt management business representatives as reported in the Los Angeles Times article, also as their advertising, has shown that the companies attempt to portray themselves as partners in a government program resembling the recent bank bailout. The "Federal Debt Relief Program" is the name of one company at the top of search engine results. "U.S. National Debt Relief Plan" is one more.

Debt relief independence

Of all the hundreds of debt reduction and debt relief opportunists spreading across the Internet, not one is part of a government-backed program. Debt relief has become a huge industry intended to kick individuals when they’re down. The best way to debt reduction is to get on a spending budget, pay down your debt and pay your bills on time. Individuals don't need a debt management business to negotiate with creditors or refinance loans when they can do it themselves.

Free debt management advice

If you aren’t sure how to solve your debt problems, contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. The NFCC is a nonprofit community organization that provides free and confidential debt management advice to any person that needs it. The NFCC offers consulting in person or by phone. Take a look at nfcc.org to discover a counselor with your area.

Discover a lot more data on this topic

Los Angeles Times






Mississippi Toyota plant to open after all

The incomplete Mississippi Toyota plant in the town of Blue Springs has been slated for a resumption of construction, a move that should bring 2,000 jobs to the area. The Associated Press reports that Toyota’s estimate is that the plant should be fully operational by the fall of 2011. This comes after construction was to are complete and also the plant running by 2010, but the onset of the economic recession in 2008 destroyed that timetable.

Article Resource: Mississippi Toyota plant construction resumes

Corolla is the Mississippi Toyota plant’s stock in trade

When initial plans for the Blue Springs, Mississippi Toyota plant were to make the Prius hybrid car, now the Japanese automaker plans to make 150,000 Corolla compact autos each year. Regardless, industry insiders see this as a step in the right direction for Toyota’s image in North America. Considering that they’ve had to recall 9 million cars given that October 2009 due to safety issues, Toyota will take any gains available.

Toyota plant closures in U.S. met with scorn

Toyota’s NUMMI, or the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. plant in California, shut down after severing ties with GM; workers did not take kindly to the decision. Allying Toyota with Tesla Motors was a calculated move by Toyota President Akio Toyoda to build goodwill within the U.S., but a lot more work must be done.

Blue Springs welcomes Toyota home, says Gov. Barbour

The rebirth of the Mississippi Toyota plant is a ray of sunshine for Governor Haley Barbour, who told the AP that:

“We’re delighted but not surprised. We’ve had good reason to keep our faith in them. Through a global economic crisis, Toyota kept its financial commitments to the state and to local schools, proving they’re not just the world’s premier automaker but a valuable community partner as well.”

To Blue Springs (and Mississippi), new jobs are of vital importance, and also the Mississippi Toyota plant will deliver. Toyota profits are in a difficult place, but recovery may be around the corner, experts speculate.

Additional info can be found here

Associated Press


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Obama orders $ 600 million border security boost

Immigration reform and border security are key elements of SB 1070, the controversial new Arizona immigration law that has every person talking. The Los Angeles Times reports that President Obama has asked Congress for a $ 600 million emergency fund with which the U.S. can quickly hire 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents, invest in two Predator drones and beef up security along America’s Southwest border. Part of this sweeping plan would consist of 160 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, as well as canine units to put their noses to the border security grindstone, said an anonymous senior White House official.

{|Article Source: Obama calls for $ 600 million border security fund by Personal Money Store

Obama equates border security with good national defense

President Obama laid out his $ 600 million border security fund in no unclear terms to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco in a letter. It is a matter of “urgent and essential need,” writes Obama; it is an emergency. Violence alongside America’s border with Mexico has become increasingly typical. Mexico’s drug war – which they are easily losing to the cartels – no doubt influenced the president’s $ 600 million move. Mexican drug cartels have even threatened American border security in Texas, reports the New York Daily News. Much of the proposed $ 600 million emergency fund would help provide overrun Mexican authorities with ballistics and DNA analysis, with the expectation the drug war doesn’t spill over into the United States.

Patching up border security with a swift kick

”The gateway to The US for drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping and crime” is how Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer describes her beleaguered state. More than any U.S. politician of late – maybe ever – Brewer has mounted the most furious argument against the federal government’s relative inaction on border security. Predator drones, better fences and additional manpower are essential to keeping Arizona and other border states safe, argues Brewer. She believes that enforcement of Arizona immigration law SB 1070 can have a optimistic effect on border security and doesn’t see it in racist terms. Mexico may try to stop SB 1070 via lawsuit as CNN lately reported, but Arizona’s move toward border security – and hopefully America’s – will go on undaunted. People who live within the borderlands have had enough of the government’s inaction; possibly Obama’s emergency fund is a step in the right direction.

More info on this topic

Los Angeles Times


New York Daily News




Saturday, June 26, 2010

After tax credit expires, new home sales fall to record low in May

New home sales fell to a record low according to a report by the Commerce Department released June 23. A slide in new home sales statistics was expected following the home buyer tax credit expired at the end of April. But the 32.7 percent drop in May was a lot more than they thought was to happen. Existing home sales also dropped, surprising forecasters who expected them to rise. Unemployment is the main reason the housing market is flagging without the tax credit. Sharp declines in the housing market are threatening the fitful U.S. economic recovery.

Article Resource: New home sales fall to record low in May after tax credit expires by Personal Money Store

New home sales are at a new low

New home sales had surged in March and April as homebuyers hurried to purchase homes before the April 30 deadline for the tax credit. Homebuyers have until June 30 to close the deals for the home tax credit, but the Senate might just vote to push that deadline back until Sept. 30. CNNMoney.com reports the May decline of 32.7 percent represents a drop to 300,000 homes from 446,000 that were there in April. Sales fell 18.3 percent. The Commerce Department explained that the May figures are the slowest sales pace given that it began tracking home sales statistics in 1963. The prior record was set in September 1981, when new homes sold at 338,000.

Consumer spending takes a hit

The decline in new home sales leads to a decline in housing prices, which leads to a decline consumer spending also — the biggest threat to economic recovery. Business Week reports that the drop in residential construction will sap consumer spending that actually accounts for 70 percent of the U.S. economy. There's direct correlation between home sales and spending on furniture, appliances and building materials. On June 11 the Commerce Department reported that sales at U.S. retailers fell 1.2 percent in May, the first decline in eight months, led by a record 9.3 percent plunge at building-material stores.

Government wary of new home sales statistics

New home sales fell sharply across the U.S., with sales down more than 50 percent within the West. MarketWatch reports that housing market stats in May terrible across the board. Housing starts fell 10 percent, building permits fell 5.9 percent, mortgage applications dropped and the home builders’ index fell by five points. Mortgage rates stayed very low. An additional glimmer of hope may be that government statisticians have such a low confidence within the monthly Commerce Department new home sales report, which is subject to major revisions, sampling flaws and statistical errors. The government says it can take up to four months to set up a statistically significant trend in sales.

US unemployment rate is who we blame

New home sales are being affected by the U.S. job market. Edward Leamer, who’s an economist at the University of California, Los Angeles, told MarketWatch that unemployment is the primary reason housing is weakening without the tax credit to spur demand. The U.S. economy would have to grow at a 6 percent rate to create "significant reductions" in joblessness. "People won't purchase homes when they’re worried about their jobs," he explained.

Additional details at these websites

CNN Money.com






Thursday, June 24, 2010

One congressman forgets $ 55,000 in personel loans cash

A huge personal cash loan is easy to forget, right?. New York congressman Gregory Meeks from Queens, nevertheless, apparently just “forgot” more than $ 55,000 in personnel loans. As a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, Meeks is one of the senior representatives from New York.

Article Resource: Gregory Meeks forgets to disclose $ 55,000 in personal loans

Gregory Meeks’ “oversight”

Gregory Meeks evidently had two personal loans that he "neglected" in an "oversight" to list on his financial disclosure statements. Gregory Meeks refused to provide data on the purpose or progeny of the loans. These loans were one $ 40,000 loan in 2007 and one $ 15,000 loan in 2008. Both of these loans were listed as “personal short term loans.” A Queens-area businessman also has one loan to Meeks that is worth "between $ 50,000 to $ 100,000.

Financial disclosure requirements

Any member of the U.S. House has to disclose quite a bit about their financial situation. These disclosures are due by May 15 of each year and list assets, liabilities, incomes, gifts, board membership and real estate. Gregory Meeks’ 2009 disclosure was filed about a month late, which prompted inquiries. Meeks says the disclosure was late because he wanted to take on a full and careful review of his finances. Technically, these disclosures are intended to be public, though the House Clerk and Secretary of State, with whom they must be filed, don’t post these disclosures online.

Will Gregory Meeks be charged?

There may be disciplinary action for Gregory Meeks because of this $ 55,000 "oversight". House Rule XXVI states that Gregory Meeks could possibly be charged with a violation of the ethics code . Gregory Meeks' constituents could, legally, bring up legal action against their representative. Most likely, however, Meeks will not face charges unless you will find improprieties within the administration of these “small” cash loans. It can be up to the voters to decide within the next election whether Gregory Meeks should face consequences or not.

In Rolling Stone, General McChrystal publicity rips administration

General Stanley McChrystal is being called on the White House carpet after a magazine article that was released this week quoted the general and his staff criticizing the Obama administration and its Afghanistan strategy. Via videoconference, McChrystal and Obama meet regularly to discuss Afghanistan. But following the Rolling Stone McChrystal profile broke, Obama demanded to see him this time in person. This isn't the first time the general has talked bad about administration in public.

Article Resource: General McChrystal publicly rips administration in Rolling Stone by Personal Money Store

McChrystal and his Obama contempt

Within the article, General McChrystal and his staff talk about their contempt with several officials carrying out the administration’s Afghanistan war policy. It was reported by Fox News the article in this week’s Rolling Stone quotes McChrystal making disparaging remarks about President Obama, mocking Vice President Joe Biden, feeling “betrayed” by U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, and recalling how Obama looked “uncomfortable and intimidated” by a roomful of military officers. An aide to McChrystal also decides he wants to call National Security Adviser Jim Jones “a clown” who remains “stuck in 1985.”

Rolling Stone fallout with McChrystal}

General McChrystal is to attend a White House meeting with Biden and many of the other advisers whom McChrystal or his staff mocked in the article. The general has fired Duncan Boothby, the press aide who booked the McChrystal Rolling Stone interview. As outlined by the Washington Post, timing of the Rolling Stone article by freelance journalist Michael Hastings could hardly be worse. With mostly just bad news coming out of McChrystal’s Afghanistan war and increasing casualties, U.S. lawmakers and senior officials from allied countries are increasingly skeptical about the U.S. Afghanistan strategy. Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports that Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly backs McChrystal in Afghanistan and hopes Obama doesn’t choose to replace him.

General McChrystal does it again

This isn't the first time this has happened. Last year following the general’s recommendations for the Afghanistan war were made public, he gave a speech in London openly criticizing administration officials, vice president Joe Biden in particular, who disagreed with him. On that occasion McChrystal was called on the carpet of Air Force One in Copenhagen, where the president had traveled to speak about Chicago’s bid to host the Olympics. The New York Times reports that General McChrystal has apologized for his remarks, saying the article was "a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened."

Additional info at these websites

Fox News


The Washington Post


New York Times


The Air Dam and about this

The air dam of your vehicle may seem to be a part of questionable need. Like a rear spoiler, the intention of the air dam is actually just to redirect air and improve the aerodynamics of your vehicle. Is it necessary to have an air dam like that?

Resource for this article: All about the Air Dam

Advantages of having an air dam

Based on the model of your car, an air dam could be a very good idea. An air dam sits on the underside of your car and redirects air around the car. An air dam provides slightly increased automobile mileage, as well as allowing the car to go slightly faster without lifting off the surface.

Air Dam negatives

It is not always helpful to have an air dam on your car. On many older cars, like trucks, air dams were not attached very well, which means they have a tendency to fall off. An air dam can also be damaged during some off-road driving, causing friction and damage to more parts of your vehicle.

The conclusion about the air dam?

In the end, an air dam is not a damaging part to have on your automobile. Like numerous factory-installed or secondary spoilers, though, these parts are used mostly for looks. The mileage of your car could possibly be increased by an air dam. This improvement is only minor; you would do better to properly inflate your tires. If your car comes with an air dam, it probably isn’t worth it to take it off unless you intend on doing off-road driving. If you’re considering getting an add-on air dam, though, consider very carefully whether you drive fast enough so often that it justifies the time, cost and effort.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Buffet and Gates want billionaires to give away half their money

It isn't unusual for billionaires to give away money. When the billionaires giving money away are Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, it’s good, but old, news. But when billionaires Gates and Buffett call out their fellow billionaires to pledge 50 percent of their fortunes to charity, people notice. The billionaire philanthropists announced a campaign Wednesday to persuade America’s billionaires to sign a “Giving Pledge” to donate most of their wealth to the causes of their choice.

Article Resource: Gates and Buffett urge billionaires to give away half their money By Personal Money Store

The pledge for the Gates Buffet charity

"The Giving Pledge" is what the charity is called. The Associated Press reports that the two men are asking the super-rich to sign a pledge making a public statement that they’ll donate either during their lifetime or at the time of their death to the charities of their choice. Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said in a letter introducing The Giving Pledge that he could not be happier with the decision he made in 2006, when he gave 99 percent of his roughly $ 47 billion fortune to charity.

Here are some billionaire philanthropist

Buffett’s billionaire philanthropy will mean that eventually he will split most of his shares of his business between five charitable foundations, with the largest sum going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Reuters reports that Bill and Melinda Gates have so far given a lot more than $ 28 billion of their money to their charitable foundation. Given that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began in 1994, it has given away more than $ 22 billion for health improvements in poor countries and to improve access to education and career opportunities for numerous different Americans.

The list of billionaires

On the billionaire list, Bill Gates had held the title of world’s richest 14 years. He was beat out for number one on the billionaire list in 2010 by a rich Mexican named Slim Helu, whose fortune swelled by $ 18.5 billion in 12 months to an estimated $ 53.5 billion. Gates is now sadly ranked as the second richest man in the world with $ 53 billion, when Buffett came in at No. 3 with $ 47 billion.

Are billionaires going to give away money?

The U.S. has at least 400 billionaires — probably the most in the world — with a net worth Forbes estimates at $ 1.2 trillion. If Buffett and Gates could convince America’s billionaires to give half their fortunes to charity it would transform the nature of philanthropy. Fortune, which broke the story, reports that IRS facts for 2007 show the 400 biggest taxpayers had a total adjusted income of $ 138 billion, and just a lot more than $ 11 billion was taken as a charitable deduction — about 8 percent Fortune, which broke the story, reports that IRS facts for 2007 show the 400 biggest taxpayers had a complete total adjusted income of $ 138 billion, and just a lot more than $ 11 billion was taken as a charitable deduction — about 8 percent. If all the billionaires give money away, however unlikely, about $ 69 billion would flood the coffers for the common good.

Charity goals for Gates and Buffet

The campaign started just over a year ago, when Gates and Buffett — who represent a combined net worth of $ 90 billion, according to Forbes — invited several billionaires to a secret dinner meeting in New York. MSNBC reports that the group settled on a goal of 50 percent of net worth. They set up a site, givingpledge.org, to promote the campaign. If the individuals on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans pledged half their net worth to charity, that amount donated would be around $ 600 billion.


Associated Press








Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lithium from Afghanistan could power electric cars of the future

Huge deposits of lithium are detected in Afghanistan. Lithium, mined from brine and clay, is considered the energy resource that will make electric cars cost effective enough to be practical for millions of drivers. Skyrocketing demand for use in cars, phones and computers could make lithium more valuable than oil within the 21st century. Lithium, like many of the world's oil, is found in regressive, inaccessible nations bearing animosity toward America. Countries like Argentine, Boliva and most most recently, Afghanistan, are called "Saudi Arabias of lithium" due to their confirmed mother lodes of the metal.

Article Source: Lithium in Afghanistan for electric cars – a blessing and a curse By Personal Money Store

Lithium – temptation for corrupt Afghans

The discovery of rich Afghan lithium deposits was announced by American officials Monday. The New York Times reports that lithium and major deposits of iron, copper, cobalt and gold worth about $1 trillion exist in Afghanistan. The previously undiscovered minerals, existing in quantities far beyond known reserves elsewhere, might be both good news and bad news for the U.S. Afghanistan war. The Afghan individuals could possibly be liberated from generations of war by the vast mineral wealth. One more possibility: the Taliban could intensify the Afghanistan war now the presence of lithium and other valuable minerals has raised the stakes. Either way, lithium could be a new and irresistible temptation for Afghan corruption.

Game-changer for the Afghanistan war

Afghanistan lithium and other strategic minerals could bring the international focus of mining to this failed nation. But Afghanistan’s economy, presently based on opium cultivation, has none of the heavy industry required to capitalize on its mineral wealth. To exploit Afghanistan lithium, China may have an edge, despite heavy U.S. investment of billions in treasure and barrels of blood in the Afghanistan war. Blogger Aziz Poonawalla points out that China will compete aggressively with the U.S. for strategic control of Afghanistan’s minerals. Analysts speculate that Obama will postpone plans to withdraw troops from the Afghanistan war, while a corrupt Hamid Karzai will cozy up to China and demand that U.S. forces clear out sooner.

Bolivian lithium tempers Afghan expectations

Lithium in Afghanistan is a "man bites dog" story because hundreds of millions of smartphones and laptops could depend on a country full of goats, mud huts and primitive tribal animosity. Automakers are counting on a future of electric cars made possible by advanced lithium-ion batteries. The New Yorker reports that half the known lithium resources in the world might be waiting under a huge expanse of salt flats in Bolivia. Yet experts doubt that Bolivian will benefit from its lithium treasure. Bolivia's socialist government stays in power by demonizing the U.S., and it's infrastructure is nearly as primitive as Afghanistan's. Boliva needs to establish a twentieth-century economy before it can ever hope to enrich itself with lithium as a twenty-first century fuel.

Or find itself as the battleground of a 21st century war.

More info on this topic




Arlington National Cemetery cannot keep bodies sorted

Running a cemetery is a a lot more difficult business than numerous people assume, particularly a cemetery of the size and prestige of Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Unfortunately, Arlington National Superintendent John Metzler and his deputy Thurman Higginbotham are being fired also as changed after a series of scandalous mix-ups involving mislabeled graves and at least one service member’s body being buried on top of one more, the Pentagon told MSNBC. In addition, Higginbotham will be investigated for allegedly hacking some computer files of a previous Arlington National Cemetery employee.

Article Resource: Arlington National Cemetery can’t keep bodies sorted

Arlington National Cemetery without a body database?

Metzler and Higginbotham were criticized heavily for not having an electronic database of the gravesites at Arlington National Cemetery and instead relying upon paper records. This weighed on Secretary of the Army John McHugh’s mind as he made the move to dismiss them. There could be a new position created to oversee Arlington National operations.

John Metzler has been a government employee for practically 42 years. He served as Arlington National Cemetery superintendent for 19 years. John Sr. preceded him as Arlington National Cemetery superintendent.

’Does any person run a perfect organization?’ Metzler asked

Although John Metzler admitted mistakes, he said they weren't malicious. While military rank and salary aren’t easy to come by, some reasonable supposition would indicate that John Metzler, with more than 18 years of service in the military, would make at least $3,454 per month as outlined by the standard military pay table. He probably makes at least $2,000 to $3,000 a lot more per month as the equivalent of a higher officer rank, although this is speculation.

Was John C. Metzler Jr. earning any of his pay?

Whatever the case, from John McHugh’s point of view, Metzler had failed to earn his salary, in light of the surprising events. Not only that, but John Metzler saying that “nobody’s perfect” and telling the media that some of the issues occurred before he began his job at Arlington National Cemetery are errors that are simply inexcusable in such a high-profile position funded by taxpayers. That doesn't even consider at all his responsibility of tending to the military dead.

Is the Arlington National Cemetery running out of room for people?

Could that be the reason for the sorting and burial anomalies? In its 200 acres, Arlington National has a lot more than 300,000 buried. That doesn’t take into account the special vaults that carry more than 40,000 total niches for cremated remains and will soon be expanded to 100,000. As Arlington National averages 28 funerals per day, 6,900 per year, space will probably be an issue soon. Burr Oak Cemetery, a privately owned cemetery in Alsip, Illinois, had this exact same problem, and some employees resorted to less-than-respectful means of dealing with the situation Burr Oak Cemetery, a privately owned cemetery in Alsip, Illinois, had this problem, and some employees resorted to horrible means of dealing with the situation. Here’s hoping that Arlington National Cemetery will fix any administrati! ve problems and continue to serve America in the most honorable fashion it has since its official designation that was on June 15, 1864, by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

Additional info at these websites



Arlington National Cemetery




Military pay chart


Friday, June 18, 2010

Rising consumer confidence calms volatile stocks with low retail sales

Retail sales dropped in May, and the stock market dropped in step with data delivered by the Commerce Department retail sales report. Stock market volatility has become the new normal. The stock market rose at the end of the day Thursday before reversing direction early Friday when the May retail sales report was released. A schizophrenic market then seesawed throughout the day as conflicted investors weighed the negative retail sales report with an unexpectedly positive analysis of consumer confidence.

Resource for this article: Low retail sales, rising consumer confidence calm volatile stocks

Commerce Department and retail sales

Retail sales didn't help the optimism of a late stock market rally on Thursday evening. The New York Times reports that Wall Street indexes fell Friday morning after the Commerce Department reported that retail sales decreased 1.2 percent last month, the largest drop since last fall. Five of 13 retail sales figure categories in the super depressing report decreased with the largest drop in building materials at 9.3 percent. Excluding all of the sales to commercial fleets (overall auto sales increased in May), retail auto sales were down 1.7 percent.

Volatility week for the stock market

Despite all the recent stock market volatility, all three major indexes closed higher for the week. Stock prices dove in the last hour Monday (jobless report), rebounded Tuesday (because of reassuring words from the Federal Reserve), dove again Wednesday (because of political pressure on BP dividends) and bounced back Thursday (overseas economic reports). According to the Times, Friday's session, its volatility tempered by the good cop/bad cop consumer confidence and retail sales reports, made the difference for the somewhat happy ending.

The consumer confidence rate somehow beats forecast

A few hours after the May retail sales report sent investors out of stocks and into bonds, the Reuters/University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for early June came in higher than expected at 75.5, up from 73.6 at the end of May and better than the 74.5 economists had been expecting. It was reported by Forbes that the disparity between the retail sales and consumer confidence reports signifies that many Americans still feel that their personal finances are under stress while they see the overall economy to be on the mend and hope for better days ahead.

Retail sales and silver lining

An analysis of the sales report shows why consumers on main street feel much safer than those on Wall Street. Frank Ahrens who is from the Washington Post points out that even though retail sales dropped 1.2 percent from April to May, compared with May 2009 retail sales were actually up 7 percent. Ahrens goes further to say that when excluding negative numbers from bigger pieces of the pie taken by auto sales, building materials and gasoline (down 3.3 percent) overall retail sales actually rose 0.1 percent in May.

A lot more details on this topic

New York Times
Frank Ahrens

Get a Jimmy Johns sub for one dollar

In Chicago and northern Illinois, sandwich shop Jimmy John’s is offering $ 1 sub sandwiches. Home baked bread put together with super-fast delivery makes Jimmy John's popular just about anywhere it opens up. With expansion and franchising exploding in recent years, the company is celebrating its success with these low-cost sandwiches in and around the state where the business started.

Article Source: Jimmy Johns offers one dollar customer appreciation subs

The Jimmy Johns $ 1 sub deal

At Jimmy Johns in Illinois today, it is “Customer Appreciation Day.” For a couple of hours on Thursday, any of the first six sandwiches on the Jimmy John's menu would be sold to you for just $ 1. These first six sandwiches are, for the most part, the first six sandwiches that Jimmy John's founder, Jimmy John, created in his mom's kitchen.

How Jimmy John's expanded

Jimmy John’s was never designed to be a sandwich shop. After graduating almost-last in his high school class, Jimmy John was given the option of starting a business with $ 25,000 or going into the Army. Jimmy John's first thought was a hot dog store, but the start-up costs were way too expensive. Instead, he ordered local meats and baked his own bread, and then began a sandwich shop. The first Jimmy John’s sandwich shop opened out of his family garage in January of 1983, and delivered to dorms. By 1985, Jimmy John was able to buy out his father’s half of the business and opened a second store. At that point, Francorp helped Jimmy John’s create a franchise system. Jimmy John's stores are now in most United States states.

Current operation of Jimmy John’s restaurants

About 95 percent of the stores are franchise-owned. A "franchisee" is a person that owns a restaurant and pays fees to the original business to use their business model and name. In short, Jimmy John doesn't own each and every Jimmy John's, but he does license the business to other individuals.

Some tips for creating your own car sharing group

Car sharing has been a popular way of helping drivers cut back on their driving. Individuals will choose to be in a car sharing group for various reasons. Car sharing is not accessible in each and every city across the nation yet, though. Beginning your own car sharing could be a good option but you should keep a few things in mind.

Source for this article: Three tips for creating your own car-sharing group By Personal Money Store

1- Who's going to own the automobile?

The first thing that needs to be decided is who will ultimately be responsible for the vehicle. Unless you start some kind of business out of it, someone needs to be in charge. There should be a basic contract signed by all riders.

2 – the insurance

The insurance needs to cover the car no matter who’s driving it. Check the laws of your state if the driving time is going to be shared 30 to 40 percent of the time. You might not end up ever getting your money if there is an accident and also you haven't told your insurance business the car is regularly used by others. The other option is to ask all members of the car-sharing network to get their own “non-owner policy” or “broad form” policy – both of which cover the driver of no matter what vehicle they happen to be driving.

3-The cost of the car-sharing

One of probably the most difficult things is probably figuring out cost sharing amounts. Operating costs and monthly payments should be separate from one another. You can have a monthly fee added as the monthly payment split. Also take into consideration operating costs. You may just want to sit down and add all the expenses together. Divide the total by either individuals or the number of miles you expect to drive the car. Alternately, set a “per mile” rate for the car, intended to cover all the operating costs. 50 cents a mile is what the US government uses. The price will likely be around 50 cents and up to $1.

Officially sharing the costs of a car may take a bit of time and arithmetic to determine, but it could be worth it. Until ZipCar, Hertz Go, or some other car-sharing network makes it to your city, it could be a great way to reduce your cost and reduce your environmental impact.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finding cheaper protein to help reduce your grocery budget

For a family of four in the US, the average food bill is from $586 to $1,159. Meat makes up for forty percent or a lot more of that spending budget. In the next five years, food costs are expected to rise which is why you should cut down your grocery budget. You need to eat less healthy just because you're eating cheaper.

Article Resource: Finding a cheaper protein – Cut your grocery budget down to size

The math behind a cheap diet

You don't have to put a lot more work into a cheap healthy diet. Although $1 burgers from a restaurant may seem cheap, they are costly. A family of four eats 360 meals each month. A liberal food spending budget of $1,159 means each meal should be no a lot more than $3.22. Eating less meat is an easy way to cut down how much you spend.

The ‘weekday vegetarian’ concept

Despite the fact that it may be cheaper to go totally vegetarian, people are unwilling to make that move. Cutting meat out of even part of your daily diet, though, can cut more than $200 a month out of your food budget. You can in addition try making meat a smaller portion of your meal – the USDA recommended serving size for meat is just 3 ounces, not the five to eight that most Americans eat. If you eat just a little less meat, your pocketbook will thank you.

What is it best to eat?

If you’re not eating meat, that does not mean that your vegetables should replace everything with your diet (though a lot more vegetables never hurt everyone). A total protein, though, is very important in helping you feel satisfied after a meal. Protein needs to replace the meat somehow. Try swapping your $2 – $3 per serving meat with:

  • Rice and beans – 20 cents per serving
  • 30 cents per serving – Hummus
  • Lentils with a nut sauce – 45 cents per serving
  • 25 cents per serving – oatmeal with milk

The basic idea is to blend legumes, grains and nuts or seeds together during the day. Alone, each of those 3 groups doesn’t make a complete protein. Any two do when with each other.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Empire State Building in New York City declines Mother Teresa presentation

The Empire State Building in NYC is one of one of the most legendary pieces of architecture within the city of millions. The Empire State Building owners have generated a tempest with their refusal to participate in a birthday celebration for Mother Teresa. This debate, heated on all sides, is setting private property rights against city council rights.

Resource for this article: New York City Empire State Building in Mother Teresa debate

Empire State Building rejects request to recognize Mother Teresa

On almost every single day of the year, the Empire State Building is lit in a variety of colors to celebrate anything from Pride week to St. Patrick’s Day. A group called the NYC Catholic League submitted a request to the Empire State Building that it be lit blue and white on August 26, Mother Teresa's birthday. The request of the Catholic League was refused without remark or reason.

NYC Council involves themselves in the debate

The Catholic League appealed its case to the NYC Council after their request to the Empire State Building was refused. The New York City Council will consider a solution on Wednesday that was written to force the building to display blue and white on that day. The Catholic League has also started an online petition, organized marches, and gone to the media.

The rights of the Empire State Building in NYC

The Empire State Building in NYC is a privately owned building. The Empire State Building Company L.L.C. is responsible for the building, the operation, and also the management of the building. On the application for becoming a "lighting partner" – having the Empire State Building lit up for a specific reason – an entity has to agree to the following statement:

“Due to the high volume of applications, the Empire State Building Company is under no obligation to provide specific feedback to any individual or organization regarding the status, merit, and/or denial of its application.”

The Empire State Building receives more requests to light the building each year than you will find days. It is not clear under which city regulations the New York City Council can force the Empire State Building to honor Mother Teresa, or if the resolution could have any effect.

Separating church and state?

The New York City Council's actions may bring up legal questions of separation of church and state. The request was made by the Catholic League, a religious organization. The Empire State Building Business is a private entity that is afforded the freedom to choose who it works with. The New York City Council is a government entity, though. The City Council might raise a church-and-state-separation issue if it tries to force a private company to participate within the observation of a religious group's celebration.

What is your view?

The basics of re-refined oil

All of us know that we are designed to change the oil in our cars regularly, but other than natural or synthetic, most people don’t generally think about what oil goes in or comes out. Re-refined or re-processed oil is engine lubricant that is exactly what it sounds like — used oil that has been re-refined for reuse. How is re-refined oil made and is it safe?

Article Resource: The basics of re-refined oil

The exact process of re-refining oil

Petroleum oil does not wear out. It gets dirty instead. The additives that are in the oil do wear out, but the oil itself doesn’t. Used motor oil is re-refined the same way as crude oil. The oil is cleaned, refined and re-blended with additives to create a product that is comparable to lubricants created with crude oil.

Your re-manufactured oil needs to be approved

Although it is safe, you need to take some precautions. Make certain that the re-refined oil being used is American Petroleum Institute approved. API-approved oil is generally required under warranty protections, for one thing. API approved oil seems to have undergone stringent testing needs that ensure it does what it is intended to. It needs to be API approved whether re-refined or not. If you use a quick-lube service, check with them that they’re using API approved oil, re-refined or not.

Benefits of re-refined oils

re-refined motor oil can do a lot more than lubricate your engine. Used motor oil is considered a toxic waste, and is typically disposed of in a variety of not-so-environmentally-friendly ways. Re-refining oil helps create a closed-loop system, where the nonrenewable resource of oil is constantly re-used. 2.5 quarts of re-refined oil is made with a gallon of used motor oil. The byproducts are used to power re-refining plants and create asphalt roof shingles. If all motor oil in the United States was re-refined, there would be enough recycled oil to maintain about 8 million autos per year.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Credit card offers more deceptive with credit reform

Just because there’s been a credit card reform doesn't mean that people can relax. Now people need to be wary a lot more than they ever have before. The credit card reform act of 2009 is cutting into some of the a lot more underhanded credit card scams from many of the financial institutions. So now those institutions are trying much harder to sign people up for credit card debt than they ever have. And they’re looking for more solutions to make money with new fees, shorter grace periods and higher late fees. Credit card users have to read the fine print on their applications and read statements very carefully when they go to receive them.

Resource for this article: With credit reform, credit card offers are getting a lot more deceptive By Personal Money Store

Exploding credit card offers

Credit card companies can be extremely hard to control. Even with a terrible economy, the credit card reform act of 2009 has credit card company's trying desperately to sell. As reported by Synovate Mail Monitor, which tracks direct-mail offers, credit card spiels to U.S. households increased 29 percent during the first quarter of 2010. Some credit card companies a lot more than doubled their efforts. Some of the largest ones are just predatory in the fees they come up with to charge customers more.

Credit card frauds

Issuers have many creative credit card scams. Many say the late fees are there for risk. But a new report from the Center for Responsible Lending shows that late fees have nothing to do with the credit card company’s potential loss. The report explained that late fees aren’t pegged to the risk a borrower might default on their credit card debt. Instead, nine of the top 10 characteristics of credit card companies who charge high late fees are other unfair or deceptive practices. One tactic is imposing a much higher rate of interest if a customer pays just a day late. One more is to have the payment deadline be for early morning on the due date.

Credit card late fees and even a lot more than that

Just the beginning are credit card late fees. It was reported by USA Today that other tricks to look at out for include balance transfer fees, shorter introductory offer periods, and also the fine print about annual fees on rewards cards.

Balance-transfer fees: Credit card companies offer percent introductory rates to transfer balances to a new card. But with no cap, they are charging fees of 5% on the amount transferred. That means transferring a balance of $ 20,000 could cost up to $ 1,000.

Shorter introductory offers: Some credit card companies offer percent interest for up to 18 months, but a six months is becoming much more common. The credit card reform bill prohibits any of the credit card companies from offering introductory rates for less than six months. Card holders may have to be able to determine if they are able to pay back the balance before the offer expires. Any late payments will prompt the company to cancel the introductory rate.

Last you will find annual fees: A lot more rewards cards are coming with annual fees, especially airline credit cards. When using these companies, calculations could be more difficult. A free airline ticket may seem worth the annual fee, but accumulating enough miles to buy a ticket could take years. Nobody who travels on average terms will want the mileage card. Some of these great rewards cards will withhold rewards because of a late payment and demand a reinstatement fee to reclaim the rewards.

Everything costs more with credit cards

Because of the credit card reform act of 2009, credit card offers are exploding. But a poor economy and credit card debt are a bad mix. Smartmoney.com reports that when the economy is struggling, the value of goods and services falls relative to the value of money. A rock and a hard place are where individuals fall with debt. As the price of everything from automobiles to airfare falls, so does their value when they’re purchased with credit cards. When a product is charged on a credit card, the ultimate price paid for it rises as the product loses value, and that does not include interest.


Center for Responsible Lending


USA Today




Short Term Bridge Loans offered to Florida businesses

State sponsored secured loans with zero interest are now being offered to companies in Florida that have been hurt by the oil spill. Emergency relief efforts in Florida include this set of short term loans. These interest-free loans are offered in conjunction with U.S. federal government short term loans programs intended to help companies rebound from the oil spill.

Article Source: Short Term Bridge Loans offered to Florida businesses

How companies can qualify for bridge loans

The short term loans accessible under Florida’s bridge loan system are interest-free. These loans offer up to $ 25,000 for a one-year time period with no interest. These loans are intended just for small businesses – businesses with less than 100 employees. A business may have had to open up by April 20, 2009 in order to qualify for the loan. The business has to prove that it has been “physically or economically damaged by a catastrophe.”

How Florida bridge loans are being funded

The Florida bridge loans that have been made accessible to businesses are a part of a program activated by Governor Charlie Crist. These short term bridge loans are funded with $ 5 million from the Florida general fund. The loan program will be administered through the Governor’s Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development. The Florida First Capital Finance Corporation is assisting with the loan administration.

Federal loans available for companies damaged by the oil spill

Businesses affected by the oil spill qualify for various types of financial assistance, including federal loans. The federal loans are Small business Administration loans that businesses can pay back on for 30 years, and have low interest. With loan rates as low as four percent, these installment loans for bad credit are federally-supported. Before BP or insurance pays up, the SBA suggests business owners get this loan in order to fill the gap. The settlements that BP may eventually make with these entities can be used to repay the SBA loans.

Getting good rates on personel loans

Every person needs some kind of personal loans along the line. Whether it's an emergency loan until payday because you blew a flat tire, or for a home, car or college education, the chances are quite high that you’ll have to finance something eventually. If you’re getting to the market for personal loan of some type, there are a couple of things that can help you get the best personal cash loan rates.

First, your credit score will change the personal loan rate

Your credit score is one of one of the most significant details about your financial life, and it is also significant to the lender whenever you apply for personal loans. Even if seems like unfair to you that your credit score affects it so much, it is still entrenched. To have greater chances to get a personel loans, you may boost your credit score. Pay off the credit cards, first and foremost. If you’ve a lot of credit cards, pay them off until you will find only one or two left, and keep those at a low balance. Some payment will always be better than none.

Lay down your money

You'll owe less principle with more down payment. The less principal that you owe, the better interest rate you'll get. Typically, a down payment is something you’ll only have to worry about with a home or a car. Forbes recently stated that a 20 percent down payment on a home is almost out of reach. This is apparently part of an overall trend, as the requirements to make that upfront payment loosen. That practice is apparently getting nipped in the bud, so for any large personal loans, expect it to come up.

don't be afraid to refinance when you’re shopping around

Shop around as you would with any product or service. One of the great things about credit unions is that they carry much lower risk structurally than any kind of bank does, and often can offer lower rates than some banks. If a business doesn’t have lavish bonuses to shell out, that means lower overhead. Also, if you’ve a large enough loan, like a mortgage loan, student loan or business loan, do not be afraid to refinance once you are within the right position. Lower interest rates mean lower payments, which means a lot more money in your pocket.



The New iPhone getting Apple WWDC 2010 live info

Monday June 7th was the start of the Apple World Wide Developer Conference. People seem to expect the WWDC 2010 live stream to include an announcement of the new iPhone. This new iPhone may very well be called the iPhone HD or iPhone 4G, but either way, the Apple WWDC is sure to garner attention.

Article Source: New iPhone – Get Apple WWDC 2010 live stream info By Personal Money Store

New iPhone designed to be announced at Apple WWDC 2010 live stream

In recent years, Apple used the WWDC to introduce new iPhones. With the recent Gizmodo coverage of a new iPhone – a possible iPhone HD or iPhone 4G — that was found in a California bar, expectations are high. There are a few new iPhone features that are confirmed, but Steve Jobs is likely to lay out each feature of the new iPhone during the Apple WWDC 2010 keynote speech.

You are able to follow the Apple WWDC 2010 live stream

Steve Jobs’ Apple WWDC keynote speech is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Pacific Time today, June 7. There can be quite a bit of tech bloggers and journalists providing an Apple WWDC 2010 live steam. Some of the best places you are able to find the Apple WWDC 2010 live stream and possibly get data on the new iPhone, if it is announced, include:

  • Engadget WWDC 2010 live stream blog
  • engadget.com/2010/06/07/steve-jobs-live-from-wwdc-2010/
  • CNet News WWDC 2010 live stream
  • news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-20006866-260.html
  • Mac Rumors Live WWDC 2010 live Twitter
  • twitter.com/macrumorslive

What other features could possibly be announced at WWDC 2010?

At the Apple WWDC, a lot more than just an iPhone should be announced. Subtitled “the center of the app universe,” WWDC 2010 is set to have many large announcements. Seems like the new iPhone operating system should be announced. The iPad might have an upgrade coming. The iPhone release date may be given. In short, , as well as tech geeks around the world, can have plenty to be looking forward to. Unsigned applications and other non-Apple-approved applications will continue to be blocked from use on products running the iPhone OS.

Is the new iPhone release date going to break tradition?

Traditionally, the announcement of a new iPhone follows a period of waiting for it to be officially released. Nevertheless, there are some signs that point to the iPhone 4G being released simultaneously with the Apple WWDC announcement. For example, AT and T has pushed upgrade eligibility forward as much as five months, with an iPhone upgrade option.

New iPhone runs on AT and T data plan

Users of AT and T have no unlimited data plan option any longer. Instead, AT and T has decided to introduce a two-tier data plan. The top tier will allow users of the new iPhone (and old iPhone) to download just 2GB of data per month and cost an additional $10 per gigabyte of data. While 2GB would be plenty for most users, anyone who streams TV or radio on their new iPhone will quickly find themselves bumping up against the limit. The new pricing plan will save AT ant T iPhone users money. Unless a Verizon iPhone comes out with an unlimited plan, though (which likely will not happen for a couple of years if at all), then the new applications for the iPhone will easily end up costing users even a lot more.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rue McClanahan Death - Third Golden Girl passes away

Around 1 am Thursday, Rue McClanahan died in a New York City hospital. She had a massive stroke. The news of Rue McClanahan’s death comes after numerous different medical incidents.

Resource for this article: Rue McClanahan Death – Third Golden Girl passes away

Rue McClanahan and her death
The death of Rue McClanahan was announced Thursday morning. At the time of her death, the woman had her family with her. She had this stroke when recovering from a triple bypass surgery. This follows a minor stroke that occurred a few months ago. Rue McClanahan had also undergone breast cancer treatments in 1997.

Rue McClanahan playing Blanche Devereaux

While Rue McClanahan had a very successful 50-year career in show business, she was best known for her "Golden Girls ” role. Betty White is the only Golden Girl nevertheless living. While playing Blanche Devereaux, Rue McClanahan acted as an “oversexed, self-involved, man-crazy, vein Southern Belle.” Rue received an Emmy award for her portrayal of Blanche Devereaux. Rue McClanahan also could be seen in “The Love Boat,” “Law and Order,” “Starship Troopers” and “Maude.”

Rue McClanahan’s life

Many individuals are affected by Rue's death. In her lifetime, Rue did more than just her career. She also was a vegetarian in support of PETA. She started her career by acting on the stage. She got an Obie in 1970. After “Golden Girls” was canceled in 1992, Rue McClanahan returned to the stage in “Wicked.” Rue McClanahan is survived by her husband, Morrow Wilson, and her son, Mark Bish. Rue McClanahan’s previous husbands were Tom Bish, Norman Hartweg, Peter D’Maio, Gus Fisher and Tom Keel. Rue also wrote a book with the title “My Five Husbands And also the One Who Got Away.”

June 14 release of Danielle Staub sextape

One of the “Real Housewives of New Jersey,” Danielle Staub has racked up some real drama. The subject for multiple lawsuits, the Danielle Staub sextape, is set to release soon. Hustler has told TMZ that it plans to release the Danielle Staub sextape video on June 14 of this year. Is this a story of a “Real Housewife” needing some additional money, or an ex-boyfriend’s revenge?

Article Resource: Danielle Staub sextape video set for June 14 release

Around the Danielle Staub sextape video is litigation

A year ago, the Danielle Staub sextape was the subject of protracted litigation within the New Jersey State Superior Court. Danielle Staub sued her ex-boyfriend Stephen Zalewski to stop the release of “sexually explicit videotape and images .” Staub explains that the sextape video was made without her consent or knowledge. On June 23, 2009, a judge granted Danielle Staub’s request to try and block the release of any sextape video.

The story within the Danielle Staub sextape video

The Danielle Staub sextape video can be releasing was reportedly filmed in September of 2009. This means the drama involving “Real Housewives of New Jersey” and about Stephen Zalewski secretly filming his sexual encounters with Danielle was not about this particular tape. The Danielle Staub sex tape features a “mystery man” that has not been spotted on the “Real Housewives of New Jersey.”

The big release of the Danielle Staub sextape

Hustler, Inc., explained that it will release the 75-minute Danielle Staub sextape video on June 14. Officially, representatives for Danielle Staub have not commented on this tape. However, if sales of past “celebrity” sextape videos are any indication, the “Real Housewife” could make a large amount of money off this tape. Depending on the information of the contract with Hustler, Danielle Staub’s sextape video could very easily net her in the neighborhood of $1 million. Ex-boyfriend Stephen Zalewski has confirmed that he has not sold the video tapes in his possession. This means that only one of two individuals could have sold the Danielle Staub sextape video – Danielle herself, or a “Mystery Man” partner that she has chosen not to sue. With rumors of financial ruin that are surrounding Danielle Staub, it would not be unheard of if the former call girl and con artist offered the videotape for sale herself.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Loan Quality Initiative can make second credit report derail closings

The Loan Quality Initiative is a mortgage loan quality control measure that was enacted June 1 to cut down on Fannie Mae foreclosures. In most of the cases the Fannie Mae Loan Quality Initiative needs lenders to pull a borrower’s credit report a second time at closing. If the borrower has applied for credit given that the mortgage loan was approved, the resulting change in the debt-to-income ratio could squash the deal.

Source for this article: Loan Quality Initiative – second credit report can derail closings By Personal Money Store

The big Fannie Mae Loan Quality initiative

Fannie Mae’s Loan Quality Initiative means that all lenders can be checking up on mortgage borrowers until the day they close. Individuals who try to extend their credit to get a new washer-dryer or furniture for their new home might be in for a rude surprise.

Lou Barnes, a mortgage banker in Boulder, Colo., told smartmoney.com that the initiative will probably "blow up an unknown number of closings because of mistaken or ambiguous findings in new credit reports."

The big key is debt to income ratio

As outlined by Smartmoney.com, applying for credit of any type between the date of the loan approval and closing could snag the deal. The new lines of credit could affect the borrower’s debt-to-income ratio — the percentage of monthly gross income used to pay monthly debts is a primary tool lenders use to determine loan eligibility. Additional debt might just the borrower over Fannie Mae’s debt-to-income ratio threshold of 45 percent.

Mortgage loan quality control

It was reported by Boston.com that many lenders already pull second credit reports right before the closing, but the Fannie Mae Loan Quality Initiative makes this mandatory for all mortgage lenders who sell their loans to Fannie Mae. New loan quality control actions are going to require lenders not only to pull two credit reports for each mortgage transaction but to perform additional verifications of a borrower’s plans for the property, plus Social Security numbers and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, among other changes. These last minute credit checks could result in a closing delay, pricing adjustment or, at worst, loan approval cancellation.

How it is possible to hurt a second credit report

Lenders can verify nevertheless they want with the Loan Quality Initiative. But Bob Phillips reports that most will pull another credit report just prior to closing. Three things can be looked for by underwriters:

  1. The updated credit report will show current credit card bills and minimum monthly payments. The numbers will replace original numbers. If the debts exceed Fannie Mae’s threshold, the loan could be denied.
  2. The credit score updated. If the FICO has dropped below minimum lending standards, the loan will be denied, or be subject to a new loan-level pricing adjustment. Loan level pricing adjustments are loan fee depending on the credit score.
  3. The credit report's Credit Inquiry section. They’re trying to see if credit is being applied for elsewhere. Underwriters can use this data at their discretion.

Overwhelming Fannie Mae foreclosures

The Loan Quality Initiative is a huge attempt by Fannie Mae to stem the tide of foreclosures overwhelming the nation’s largest mortgage buyer. In the first quarter of 2010, Fannie Mae reported $11.5 billion in losses. $8.4 billion was asked by Fannie Mae to be given by the US Treasury to keep them afloat. Fannie Mae and its sibling Freddie Mac own or guarantee a lot more than 50 percent of mortgages in the United States. Mortgage foreclosure statistics reached an all-time high within the first quarter of 2010. The combined share of foreclosures and also the mortgage delinquencies was 14 percent, or about one in each seven U.S. mortgages. Mortgage foreclosure statistics are expected to peak with a lot more than 2 million borrowers losing their homes.

Read more on this topic here

Bob Phillips

Maytag Dishwasher Recall - 1.7 million fire hazards

1.7 million Maytag dishwashers are recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and Maytag business. Twelve fires have been blamed on the recalled dishwashers. The Maytag dishwasher recall contains not just Maytag branded products, but Jenn-Air, Admiral, Amana, Crosley, Performa, and Magic Chef brands.

Article Source: Maytag Dishwasher Recall – 1.7 million fire hazards By Personal Money Store

Danger of the Maytag Dishwasher Recall

There is a significant safety hazard connected to the Maytag dishwasher recall. The heating element that helps dry the dishes can overheat, which causes a fire. The fire can effortlessly spread into a kitchen or house and cause very significant damage.

What to do in case you are affected by the Maytag dishwasher recall

The Maytag Dishwasher Recall effects all models with a wide variety of serial numbers. If you do have a recalled Maytag dishwasher, you are able to do two things – either get a rebate check to get a new one, or have your current dishwasher repaired. Repair.maytag.com has a full list of affected serial numbers and a search tool to help you find out if your dishwasher is a part of the Maytag dishwasher recall.

The Maytag repairman is going to be busy

Maytag corporation has used a "bored repairman" as their corporate image for numerous years. This Maytag recall, though, is far from the first for the kitchen appliance manufacturer. 1.7 million fridges were recalled in 2009, for an issue that would cause fires. In 2007, 2.3 million dishwashers were recalled for an electrical short fire hazard.

Whirlpool Corporation expenditures for the Maytag Recall

Whirlpool Corporation, which owns Maytag, is facing dire stock consequences for this recall. Whirlpool's stock was at $ 86 in early March. The stock has climbed to about $ 102 given that then. The good news of the stock rising in value is also to be balanced with the fact Whirlpool is closing a machining plant. Whirlpool corporation, in short, will end up paying a lot in cash and reputation for this recall. Despite almost $ 3 billion in corporate debt, Whirlpool is rated as a "stable" investment.

Getting ready for seasonal driving - Tire pressure

When you are preparing your car for driving in the summer, there are a wide range of systems you need to check out. Tire pressure is often overlooked in this checklist, though. Because the rubber literally hits the road with your tires, you should pay attention to them. Checking out your tires can be simple – just remember a few very significant things.

Resource for this article: Getting ready for seasonal driving – Tire pressure By Car Deal Expert

Measure the pressure of the tire

The basics of checking your tire pressure are, all things considered, pretty easy. Though your automobile may have a built-in tire pressure sensor, you will always want to manually check your pressure on a regular basis. The rotation speed of the tires are one of the most common ways that built in tire pressure sensors read pressure. You should check the pressure using a manual gauge on a regular basis – on all five of your tires. You should have a look at the tire pressure when the tires are still cold.

Properly inflating your tire

Proper tire pressure depends very much on the conditions you drive in. Recommended tire pressure is not the tire pressure printed on the side of the tire. Temperature and driving conditions can change the pressure of your tires up or down by 10 pounds per square inch. The side panel of your car typically lists the recommended tire pressure. When the temperature goes up, a tire that was inflated to maximum pressure in cold weather could expand and potentially explode.

Choosing between traction and fuel efficiency

Inflating your tires properly or improperly has two major effects on your car's operation. A slightly under-inflated tire can give you more traction on slippery roads. A properly inflated tire, nevertheless, can improve your fuel efficiency. Unless you live in an area where roads are very slippery in winter conditions, you need to keep your tires inflated to the recommended level.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts celebrate free doughnut day

There are free doughnuts available on June 4, 2010 at some Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts locations, thanks to National Doughnut Day. Before you try and claim your free doughnut, check if your Krispy Kreme location or Dunkin Donuts location can be participating.

Article Source: Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts celebrate free doughnut day By Personal Money Store

Krispy Kreme locations

It is relatively easy to get your free doughnut at Krispy Kreme locations. First visit the Krispy Kreme locations list to discover a participating location. Once you’ve found a participating store, stop in once they open on June 4. Ask – politely – for your free doughnut. Make sure to let the doughnut shop employees know that you appreciate their hard work. The Krispy Kreme offer is good only when supplies last.

Free Dunkin Donuts doughnut

Getting a free doughnut at Dunkin Donuts locations is a bit more complicated. You only get a free doughnut at Dunkin Donuts locations if you purchase a drink. You’ll have to buy an iced coffee or something else to go with your free doughnut. As always, do not forget to thank the Dunkin Donuts location employees; they will be having a very long day.

Celebrate your own National Doughnut Day

Everybody knows that doughnuts aren’t exactly the healthiest of treats. Celebrating National Doughnut Day doesn’t have to mean going to Krispy Kreme locations or Dunkin Doughnuts locations. Instead, you can try making your own doughnuts. Start with a sweet dough that is leavened with baking powder, then fry it. If it is your first time making doughnuts, try this recipe:

  • Single large egg
  • One quarter-cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1/2 cup milk or liquid
  • 2 tablespoons melted shortening
  • 2 cups sifted flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • Melted butter or frosting or sugar for topping

Mix wet ingredients together, then add dry ingredients. Put the dough in the fridge or freezer until it is cold enough to work with, then cut it out into the shapes you would like, about 1/2 an inch thick. Heat vegetable oil to 375 degrees while the dough is chilling. Once you've cut out the shapes, fry them for a few minutes on each side. Drain the doughnuts on paper towel, and top to your pleasure.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The 2010 NBA finals are here - Lakers vs. Celtics

The culmination of yet another NBA season has arrived with an NBA Finals matchup that features Lakers vs. Celtics. The 50-year-old rivalry is the stuff of basketball legend, and while the current Lakers-Celtics matchup may not boast a Wilt Chamberlain vs. Bill Russell, Jerry West vs. John Havlicek or Magic Johnson vs. Larry Bird, it does offer Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol and also the Lakers vs. Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and the Celtics. It is sure to be very exciting.

Source for this article: Lakers vs. Celtics – The 2010 NBA Finals are here By Personal Money Store

Lakers vs. Celtics – What is the NBA Finals schedule?

Whether you want to watch the Lakers-Celtics best-of-seven matchup on television or listen to the radio broadcast, you have to know the NBA Finals schedule and have cash advances in place if your cable or satellite has been disconnected. The telecast could be on your local ABC affiliate in the U.S. and TSN in Canada. The 2010 NBA finals can be on ESPN radio station. Following are dates and times for 2010 NBA Finals games:

Thursday, June 3 – 9 p.m.
Sunday, June 6 – 8 p.m.
Tuesday, June 8 – 9 p.m.
Thursday, June 10 – 9 p.m.
Sunday, June 13 – 8 p.m. (if necessary)
Tuesday, June 15 – 9 p.m. (if necessary)
Thursday, June 17 – 9 p.m. (if necessary)

Breaking it down with the Lakers vs. Celtics

As reported by SB Nation, it’s going to come down to whether the Lakers afford the Boston Celtics team room to run. The transition game – converting defensive rebounds into quick fast break scores – is the strength of the Celtics’ offense, thanks to the quickness of point guard Rajon Rondo. The Celtics should be a power in more deliberate half-court offensive sets – between Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen, they have massive offensive talent – however they appear to lack either the patience or focus to pick apart half-court defenses. The LA Lakers’ half-court defense has a tendency to lose focus when their defenders rotate off opponent picks multiple times, but it’s nevertheless more potent than the half-court offense the Celtics bring. If the Celtics really start running, nevertheless, they may be too much for the Lakers to handle.

What about the Celtics’ defense?

There surely seems to be a difference of opinion on the Celtic's defense. On the one hand, it is the classic example of rough-and-tumble East Coast defense versus a finesse-style West Coast offense. The Celtics aren’t afraid to put a whole bunch of bodies on the Lakers’ Kobe Bryant, and a well-timed push or shove can sometimes be enough to throw the best offensive player off his game. On the other hand, Bryant said at one point during a press conference the Celtics’ defense “sucks.” Interpret that however you want. Whatever the case happens to be, the Lakers have had trouble scoring against pressure defenses, and the Celtics are definitely capable of that. The Lakers’ defense against the run will largely be determined by their offensive rebounding. Thus, if Andrew Bynum and Lamar Odom turn in inspired efforts that show on the boards, that could definitely be enough to provide Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol with the scoring opportunities th! at they’ll need to bring victory to the Lakers.

Lakers vs. Celtics prediction

Kobe Bryant has had an outstanding postseason. He will likely help his team to win. Still, the Celtics have too numerous weapons. Lakers vs. Celtics might end with a Boston Celtics victory.

Read more on this topic here

SB Nation

Monday, June 7, 2010

The basics of mass air flow sensors

The basics of mass air flow sensors

In most computer-controlled automobile engines, a mass air flow sensor is a small-yet-important part of the engine. A check engine light is often caused by a mass air flow sensor. Replacing a mass air flow sensor on your own is easier than changing your own oil – and could possibly save you hundreds of dollars.

Article Resource: Basics of the mass air flow sensor By Car Deal Expert

What the Mass Air Flow sensor is for

The volume of air entering the engine is measured by a mass air flow sensor. The combustion chamber has fuel sprayed into it by a fuel injected engine. The mass air flow sensor tells the computer that runs the engine how much fuel should be mixed with the incoming air for the best combustion. When the mass air flow sensor gets dirty, the fuel mixture gets either too rich or too thin. This means the engine does not run nearly as well, and gas mileage goes down significantly.

Where is the mass air flow sensor?

The mass air flow sensor, in most autos, is relatively easy to find. It can be found near the air filter. Most often, the mass air flow sensor is a small box between the air filter and engine, inside the air intake duct. There is also an electrical connection that transfers details between the mass air flow sensor and the engine controller.

Finding a way to clean the mass air flow sensor

When the mass air flow sensor gets dirty or degraded, the check engine light will typically come on. While replacing the mass air flow sensor may be required, cleaning it will extend the sensor’s life by eight to 12 months. To clean the mass air flow sensor, remove it, spray it with cleaner and let it air-dry. Use products for the mass air flow sensor. It must be air dried. If you try to hand-dry it, you could break the delicate parts of the air flow sensor.

Guillermo Del Toro has quit The Hobbit and will ramble on to other work

Over two years ago, Guillermo Del Toro, the director of Pan’s Labyrinth and also the Hellboy series among other films, was attached to direct The Hobbit. The Hobbit is the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, also by JRR Tolkien. Peter Jackson actually convinced Del Toro to move to New Zealand to help him get it onto the large screen. However, the tandem of the future of MGM Studios and the enormous commitment caused Del Toro to bring the metaphorical hammer of the gods down on the project, and a new director is being sought.

Resource for this article: Guillermo Del Toro drops The Hobbit and rambles on to other work By Personal Money Store

Guillermo Del Toro hired after long debacle

After the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, a Hobbit film was all but inevitable. The roadblock was the rights to The Hobbit are owned by United Artists and Metro Goldwyn Mayer, but Peter Jackson belongs to New Line and Warner Brothers. An agreement between the camps was reached to make The Hobbit film a reality, but a director other than Jackson was needed. They were seeking to invest quick payday in a director with an intense eye for visuals, and Guillermo Del Toro fills that bill with ease.

No quarter from development troubles

As MGM is still within the vice like grip of money troubles, work on The Hobbit has ground to a halt. The film is slated to be in two parts, and also the first installment was due in 2010, then was pushed to 2011, but the two installments are now scheduled for 2012 and 2013, according to CNN. Del Toro confirmed that him leaving the project has anything to do with the financial difficulties of the studio, but he will remain in no matter what capacity he can, as so much pre-production has already been done. He moved to Wellington to work on the project.

Another film trampled underfoot by studio troubles

Difficulties like plague The Hobbit put it in what is called development hell. This is where numerous projects languish, sometimes for years, before the project, be it a film, album or video game, is either released or dies. Due to the intense haze of smog around The Hobbit, 2012 is looking unrealistic.

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BP oil spill nevertheless gushing - Now heading for Pensacola Florida

The BP oil spill hasn’t been shut down, and an oil slick was likely be on Florida’s beaches soon. An oil slick was spotted a couple of miles off the Florida coast, and there will soon be oil on the western side of the Florida panhandle. Pensacola, FL, and also the Pensacola Beach will likely be where it will start. Tourism will take a hit, too as the white sand beaches there are an incredibly popular escape spot.

Resource for this article: Oil heads for Pensacola Beach – BP oil spill still gushing By Personal Money Store

Pensacola Beach soon to be covered

As outlined by MSNBC, the sheen of an oil slick was spotted a couple of miles out from Pensacola, FL. Summer is almost here, and this will mean a drastic turn for the tourism season on the Gulf Coast of Florida. It already is costing a drastic amount of instant cash loans to clean up. Florida could be the latest state that may have an oil drenched coastline, joining Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. BP is taking a hiding within the press, and also the full costs of the cleanup to the company and to taxpayers isn’t really known yet.

No success with top kill or caps yet

There are a number of methods already tried to stop the leaking of oil, but none with great success. A method called top kill was tried, where mud was pumped into the pipe to stop the leak, but it failed. A cut and cap method is being tried, where remote submersibles are used to cut off a section of pipe and install a cap. According to CNN, that is not meeting with a lot of results. Efforts will continue, but there's no report on how long it will take to plug the leaking pipes.

BP staggered

On top of being involved one of the biggest environmental disasters in living memory, a BP criminal investigation has started over the incident. On the heels of this announcement, BP stock entered a free fall. The total damage from the Gulf of Mexico oil leak won’t be known for a long time to come.




Part 2 clean with the top 10 automotive tips

You are within the right place if you need a lot more offbeat automotive tips. This continues the top 10; if you missed the first five automotive tips, you are able to check them out at CarDealExpert.com. In no time, you’ll be able to use these off-the-beaten-path remedies to get the most out of your vehicle.

Source for this article: Know clean with the top 10 offbeat automotive tips (Pt. 2) By Car Deal Expert

More of the top 10 offbeat automotive tips

6. Don't have a rusted undercarriage

Don’t let the underside of your car suffer from the constant exposure to road grime and salt; that’s a basic top 10 offbeat automotive tip. Put a lawn sprinkler underneath it at full blast. It will drip dry, as opposed to the kind of water exposure a car takes during a flood.

7. Lacquer when the chips are down

Comparable to the way nail polish protects fingernails from breakage and wear, it can also protect the body of your car from all of the rust if the paint chips. You just simply need to clean the area where the paint has chipped and apply clear nail polish to protect against rust.

8. Burn off the bumper stickers

Don't really burn them off. Just use lighter fluid and a razor blade to remove bumper stickers and their adhesives Soak and scrape very gently. According to Wise Geek, a solvent like lighter fluid breaks down the bonds in an adhesive, turning it into a loose solution that’s much easier to separate. And lighter fluid is cheaper than the industrial-strength solvent your dealer recommends.

9. Take fogged windows to school

Condensation on the inside of the window can be wiped up with a blackboard eraser. It will be cheap and do the job. After taking out auto loan finance to fund your car purchase, who wants to spend more to keep the windows clean.

10. Rough up your old wipers

If purchasing new wiper blades isn’t really an option for you at the moment, rub your old ones down with sandpaper, says Ford Truck Enthusiasts. Doing this will harden rubber and temporarily extend their life.

Do you have a lot more offbeat automotive tips?

Car Deal Expert wants to hear them. We welcome your comment, whether it involves cleaning your car, keeping it running or anything in between.

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The Fun Place
Wise Geek
Ford Truck Enthusiasts