Sunday, June 27, 2010

Obama orders $ 600 million border security boost

Immigration reform and border security are key elements of SB 1070, the controversial new Arizona immigration law that has every person talking. The Los Angeles Times reports that President Obama has asked Congress for a $ 600 million emergency fund with which the U.S. can quickly hire 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents, invest in two Predator drones and beef up security along America’s Southwest border. Part of this sweeping plan would consist of 160 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, as well as canine units to put their noses to the border security grindstone, said an anonymous senior White House official.

{|Article Source: Obama calls for $ 600 million border security fund by Personal Money Store

Obama equates border security with good national defense

President Obama laid out his $ 600 million border security fund in no unclear terms to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco in a letter. It is a matter of “urgent and essential need,” writes Obama; it is an emergency. Violence alongside America’s border with Mexico has become increasingly typical. Mexico’s drug war – which they are easily losing to the cartels – no doubt influenced the president’s $ 600 million move. Mexican drug cartels have even threatened American border security in Texas, reports the New York Daily News. Much of the proposed $ 600 million emergency fund would help provide overrun Mexican authorities with ballistics and DNA analysis, with the expectation the drug war doesn’t spill over into the United States.

Patching up border security with a swift kick

”The gateway to The US for drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping and crime” is how Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer describes her beleaguered state. More than any U.S. politician of late – maybe ever – Brewer has mounted the most furious argument against the federal government’s relative inaction on border security. Predator drones, better fences and additional manpower are essential to keeping Arizona and other border states safe, argues Brewer. She believes that enforcement of Arizona immigration law SB 1070 can have a optimistic effect on border security and doesn’t see it in racist terms. Mexico may try to stop SB 1070 via lawsuit as CNN lately reported, but Arizona’s move toward border security – and hopefully America’s – will go on undaunted. People who live within the borderlands have had enough of the government’s inaction; possibly Obama’s emergency fund is a step in the right direction.

More info on this topic

Los Angeles Times,,4691128.story

New York Daily News


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