Friday, April 30, 2010

Eclipse trailer makes its debut on Oprah

Twilight Eclipse trailer released on OprahForget the love triangle, forget who Bella is going to choose – the new Twilight Eclipse trailer gives fans a sneak peek at the coming battle in Twilight Eclipse. No matter in case you are Team Jacob or Team Edward, now is the time to secure your pay day loans to purchase tickets to the movie. If you are not a fan or have no idea what the hubbub of the Twilight Eclipse trailer is all about, you can use the money to purchase a copy of Underworld Evolution instead.

Twilight Eclipse trailer on Oprah

A 10-second clip of the Eclipse trailer was released by the studio yesterday. This morning on Oprah, the full Eclipse trailer was premiered. Dakota Fanning was on-hand to introduce the Twilight Eclipse trailer. The Oprah audience responded the squeal with lots of delight and excited clapping.

Watch the Twilight Eclipse trailer in full

The story of Twilight Eclipse

The first two episodes of the Twilight saga introduce and explore the love connection between Bella and Edward, who’s a vampire. There are, of course, lots of troubles that Edward and Bella run into – just like every other “doomed” couple in literature. The Twilight Eclipse trailer reveals that a warewolf running around without a shirt and other vampires aren’t the only problems. A new breed of vampire is emerging and creating an army. The vampire army presents enough of a threat the full love triangle has to team up to fight off the new threat. Of course, this causes lots of drama and a few big fight scenes. If they could have gotten a hold of the final book early, thousands of fans may have gotten the best payday advances just to glimpse what the conclusion will be.

Plans for the rest of the Twilight Saga

This saga is four books long, and also the Twilight Eclipse trailer is the third part of the series. Eclipse is the third movie, and will be released on June 30. Comparable to the Harry Potter series, the Twilight : Breaking Dawn book might be broken into two back-to-back movies.

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