Tuesday, March 8, 2011

FDA recalls 500 medications; inexpensive can mean unsafe manufacturing

Medicines meant to treat coughs, colds, and allergies are generally considered risk-free. The FDA, however, has recalled over 500 of these medicines. In announcing this recall, the Food and Drug Administration made a point that the safety of some of these drugs is in question. Some were not tested at all, others were grandfathered into the industry. There is a trade-off to manufacturing medicines in emerging markets. This recall highlights that security trade. Article source – FDA recalls 500 medicines; low cost can mean unsafe manufacturing by MoneyBlogNewz.

Cold and allergy medicines targeted

The FDA targets more than 500 prescription cold, allergy and cough medicines in its latest recall. These drugs are from a variety of suppliers and use untested combinations of cough suppressants and decongestants. The FDA could not get production information from some of these companies since the medications were so old. Other medications were simply marketed and sold without Food and Drug Administration approval. Some of the medicines are marketed for babies and kids; the FDA doesn’t recommend cold medication for everyone younger than 2.

What it costs to create a prescription medicine

It can cost lots of money to manufacture prescription medicine. Sometimes different nations are used to create the compound and turn it into pills. The compound is just shipped off. Sometimes chemical information is just handed to a manufacturing plant to do all the work. These can take place in different countries too. The cost of a medicine is cut from 20 to 50 percent when manufacturing in India or China. Especially for generic medications, this helps cut the cost to consumers by even more. A failure rate between 4 and 10 percent is clear in these markets though. In the U.S., the market for medications is at $287 billion. That means billions are spent on defective medicines each year.

Government spending includes senior citizen medication

As of Jan. 1 this year, the federal government is starting up programs that help cover even more of senior citizen’s prescription drug cost. The cost of prescription medications costs the government millions and drug businesses millions to get out there. The investment might not be worth it for many. One study released in 1999, however, found that $1 spent on prescription medications saves about $4 in hospital care, on average. There are certainly a lot of troubles with prescription medications. As long as they’re working and risk-free though, it might be a really good investment to make.

Information from

National Center for Policy Analysis








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