Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Department of Education inquiry presented into Notre Dame sex assault accusations

Notre Dame is well-known for 2 things — a Catholic identity and great education. Nonetheless, for the second time in a few months, Notre Dame has a sex assault complaint, and the families are claiming it was under-investigated. The Education Department has moved in to investigate Notre Dame's actions. There isn’t a payday loan sufficient to cover the cost of the feelings these families are going through.

Suicide occurs after Notre Dame grievance of sex assault first occurs

The police department in Notre Dame covers a huge area. It’s in Notre Dame, Indiana that is covered. You will find colleges in the city. This consists of St. Mary's University and Notre Dame University. Notre Dame was not "aggressively" pursuing the sexual assault complaint 19 year old Elizabeth Seeberg had, she said. She then committed suicide on September 10, 2010. There was an anonymous family that complained about Notre Dame also. This was the second family. The daughter's complaint was "buried," the family states. It was so Notre Dame University would be protected. The United States Department of Education has opened a query into the investigation processes of Notre Dame.

Another sex assault complaint at Notre Dame occurs

Recently there was a second complaint of sexual attack. The alleged attack took place on Sept. 4, and the victim met with police and indicated she wanted to press charges on September 11. The case wouldn’t be prosecuted in accordance with Prosecutor Michael Dvorak in an announcement made last week. There just wasn't enough evidence in accordance with Dvorak. The attacker wasn't interviewed for 2 weeks in both cases.

Sexual assault in college

Colleges and Universities have to work with sexual attack. It is a challenge though. Notre Dame’s second sex attack grievance consists of an admission that the victim had been drinking before the attack. The question of consent becomes blurred when drinking is involved. In both of the Notre Dame sex attack grievances, the alleged attacker indicated the encounters were consensual. Notre Dame released a statement saying:

“We regret that some are critical of our handling of sexual misconduct allegations, and we understand the pain these families are experiencing. At the same time, we stand behind the thoroughness, integrity and objectivity of our investigations, as well as the comprehensive services available to students who are subjected to sexual misconduct.”


Chicago Tribune


ABC News


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