Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Competition expected to be large subject of State of the Union address

The State of the Union address by the President is soon to be given to Congress. The concentrate of the annual presidential address to the legislature can be on the economic climate and increasing competitiveness of American companies. He may also be discussing government spending policy. If all goes well the government might not need personal installment loans to survive. Source of article – State of the Union address to focus on competitiveness by MoneyBlogNewz.

President due to give second State of the Union address

On Tues, Jan 25, President Barack Obama is likely to give his second State of the Union address. When it comes to political events, this is one of the biggest of the year. ABC accounts a new theme has been brought into this year. The parties won't be put into separate wings this year as it would traditionally have been set up for seating. Instead, there will be a mix within the seating all around of Democrats and Republicans. The idea came from Senator Tom Udall (D-Colo.) who thought it would be nice if members of Congress would be willing to get "dates" to show bipartisan solidarity after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head in Tucson. The dates will really just be members asking other members of the opposite party, and sex often times, to sit with them.

The ‘competitiveness’ and economic climate will be discussed

The focus of the 2011 State of the Union address is going to be the economic climate. The Obama presidency has had to concentrate on that issue more than anything else. The way that the United States is competitive is something President Obama wants to increase when it comes to international trade. The Washington Post reports this could be discussed along with education and job creation by President Obama. In previous speeches, Obama has emphasized the United States needs to become an international powerhouse economically. It’s expected that this annual address to congress will continue this idea. It is possible that fiscal policy and gun control will also be discussed.

Another topic is foreign relationships

Some discussion of international policy is also to likely be included, as nearly all troops are expected to be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year and from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. The State of the Union could be heavily broadcast on most major networks and news channels. Many watch State of the Union addresses. In fact, viewer ratings are usually high.


ABC News

Washington Post

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