Sunday, November 14, 2010

CA Television station records mystery missile launch

Monday, November 8, a news chopper caught an unpredicted sight. An unannounced unknown missile launched. The launch had been from a sea-based area. Triangulation puts it at about 35 miles out. The US military states no knowledge of the rocket. This leaves the question open of what, exactly, had been the mystery missile. Source of article – Mystery Missile in California launches against setting sun by Personal Money Store.

California views an unknown missile

The KCBS news helicopter in California captured what appeared to be a missile launch on Mon evening. It looked like the launch came from out in the sea. It was about 35 miles west of Los Angeles and north of Catalina Island. There wasn't anything in the FAA warnings and military services reports about a missile launch. It wasn't planned by them.

Was the secret missile military?

The Air Force and Navy have both had spokesman say the mystery missile launch was not from them, accounts CBS station KFMB. "The operative word is unexplainable," Pentagon spokesperson Col. Dave Lapan said. NORAD is "working to determine the exact nature of this even." NORAD is the North American Defense Command. They have also confirmed that “from all indications, this had been not a launch by a foreign military.”

The mystery missile

With the Army, Navy, Air Force, and U.S. military all swearing off knowledge of the mystery missile, what else could it be? The mystery missile might have been a private rocket launch, based on the Los Angeles times. You will find other opportunities individuals think of with the unknown missile. Some say NASA's Black Brant IX rockets might have been launched off of San Nicolas Island with it. Those rockets carry Missile Alternative Range Target Instrumentation for testing. A missile may not be it at all. The unknown missile could be something different. Based on, “a contrail streaming horizontally from the exhaust of an approaching aircraft can look like a vertical missile shot if the end of the plume is hidden by the curvature of the earth.”

So what was the CA mystery missile then?

Information from


Talk Radio News

LA Times


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