Saturday, October 16, 2010

Short term loans were part of society throughout history

Despite objections from critics, short term loans were a part of human culture for a long time. There isn’t really a civilization on earth that hasn’t had something like short term loan providers as a part of it. Any culture that isn’t a hunter gatherer culture has something along those lines. It would be a fool’s errand to try and get rid of short term installment loan lend-ers. There have been many calls made for usury caps, just like within the good old days. Good old days are a fiction, as it generally is a fantastic idea of a time frame that was drastically different than the romantic image of them. People will always need a loan till payday, and they’ll always be able to get one.

Advance money as it applied to the historic world

The history of short term installment loan lending is longer than some think. Short term loans were lent against a future payday of sorts, often a harvest or lot of manufactured goods for sale. For instance, a barley farmer would borrow money for seed and repay the lender either with a portion of the harvest, or part of the proceeds of the sale of that season’s crop plus interest. Provisions about lending of emergency cash, debt repayment and even how one could collect were all mentioned in the early law code, the Code of Hammurabi. So did the Twelve Tables of Rome.

The heady days of usury caps

In the early days of the United States, each state had a usury cap. It had been less than 10 percent the majority of the time. There was nevertheless a payday loan service around. It resembled payday loans anyway. The lending within the 19th century had been with underground private loan com-panies or small loan corporations in mostly just large cities. Short term credit was borrowed against numerous future earnings. The lower or middle class borrowers would typically pay the loan over a couple of months with pay-days. The loans were unregu-lated and illegal since the usury cap prevented them in most states from being made.

Demand was not met since regulation pre-vented it

In order to meet demand, individuals had to borrow from outlawed loan companies. In order to make meeting de-mand safe and lawful, states began passing laws raising the cap for small loans. De-mand is what drives payday lending. There will always be a desire for it. Individuals will always be able to discover it. You can read more within the payday lending facts and statistics re-port on Personal Money Store.

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