Thursday, October 14, 2010

National Security Advisor James Jones retires

James Jones is retiring. He will be stepping down from his capacity as National Security Advisor. He will be succeeded by his Deputy, Tom Donilon. The White House has high turnover. Officials in top slots are leaving in droves. Rahm Emanuel, the firebrand Chief of Staff, left to pursue the election for Mayor of Chicago. There is also a rumored replacement of Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton.

James Jones retires

James Jones is going to be retiring fairly soon. He will serve out the remainder of October, as outlined by the Los Angeles Times. Jones is the Deputy National Security Advisor, and exchanged Tom Donilon. Experience is something Donilon has. He kept the position of chief of staff under Warren Christopher. Christopher worked under President Clinton as Secretary of State. Obama was not the first president he worked for, certainly. In fact, he was the third. Since General James Jones had already had a long career, he only planned on working for two years. The NATO had Jones as a Marine corps Commandant and commander. Jones didn’t even want the position of National Security Advisor. He was also a chief architect of the Afghan surge strategy presently being implemented.

All the officials going away

The Obama administration seems to keep changing. CNN points out that in the last few months, many officials in high up spots keep resigning. Rahm Emanuel lately stepped down to pursue a bid for Mayor of Chicago to replace the outgoing Mayor Daley. Economic adviser Larry Summers and adviser David Axelrod also stepped down. They’re going down fast. There is also a rumor concerning Joe Biden. Before the 2012 election, the rumor says Obama can be replacing him with Hillary Clinton. The White House say these rumors are totally false.

White House plays musical chairs with all those appointed

all of the staff within the White House seem to be resigning. It’s not quite set in stone if this is coincidence or not. Big staff changes have happened before. It’s not that abnormal.

Articles cited



LA Times,,7588107.story

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