Monday, August 16, 2010

What was Robert Gibbs talking about?

In a recent interview, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs decried a shadowy group of individuals, known as the “professional left.” Though it reminds one of the idealistic days when Dan Quayle was Vice President, it paints a telling portrait of the mood within the Oval Office.

Gibbs likes the office casual left

Liberals not yet completely satisfied with Obama are the “professional left” that Press Secretary is likely referring to, though some are totally still amateurs. In an interview with The Hill, he said that this shadow cabal of malcontents would only be happy with a health care plan akin to Canada’s and when the Pentagon is done away with. He mentioned that some individuals were comparing Obama with George Bush, and people who did should be “drug tested.” The White House Press Secretary also purported they wouldn’t be happy “even if Dennis Kucinich was President.”

Exactly who does he mean?

Lots of liberals and progressives were less than thrilled that he ditched the public option and has done little on LGBT issues. Critics also point out little has been done about Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. He didn’t articulate the exact identity of who the professional left are. The interview was published today Gibbs was conspicuously absent from the White House press conference that day. Replacement Bill Burton maintained that Gibbs was sick.

Not probably the most artful of phrases

Who he meant exactly is unknown, what he was talking about is. The fact is that no matter what an elected official does, it is never good enough for some individuals, and others just love to complain.

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The Hill

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