Thursday, August 12, 2010

Michelle Obama faces criticism for expensive vacation in Spain

According to Fox News, first lady Michelle Obama is under fire for taking a private, luxurious trip to Spain with daughter Sasha and various Obama family friends. Of course, the so-called private vacation has easily turned into a public affair, as the media is already criticizing her each and every movement. Now every person wants in on every little thing the first lady’s private vacation entails.

Travel warning issued where first lady vacations, in Spain

When President Obama dined with talk show mega-star Oprah Winfrey in Chicago for his 49th birthday, first lady Michelle Obama took 9-year-old Sasha and several friends of the family on a escape getaway in Spain. The escape was described by the White House as a four-day “private trip” to the beautiful southern coast of the country. When some dodged talks about the price of the trip, others voiced concerns of safety.

The State Department, according to Fox News, had issued a travel warning for all Americans traveling to Spain, as “racist prejudices can result in the arrest of Afro-Americans who travel to Spain,” a message just lately posted on its website. The wording, however, can no longer be found, as it seems it was easily pulled when the first lady and daughter Sasha left on their trip. When asked if there was a travel warning for Spain, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said, “I don’t believe so.”

The price tag on first lady’s Spain vacation

The biggest worry concerning the first lady’s getaway trip to Spain is the overall cost of the trip and the affect it has on taxpayer cash. On Thursday, New York Daily News writer Andrea Tantaros trash-talked Michelle Obama, calling her a “modern day Marie Antoinette” for taking such a lavish vacation when the majority of the United States of America is financially struggling. According to Yahoo News, the first lady and companions are staying at the luxury Hotel Villa Padierna, often referred to as one of the world’s top 10 hotels, with rates that range from $ 500 to $ 2,500 a night.

Whether it was the Obama delegation or Secret Service that chose the location, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has stated that the first lady will pay for her own personal expenses, as will the private entourage traveling with her. However, since the first lady has full-time Secret Service protection and has to travel on board an official Air Force charter plane, which is covered by taxpayers, the entire trip’s cost will not be fully covered with personal out-of-the-pocket cash.

Additional reading"racist-prej

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