Thursday, August 19, 2010

Groupon challenges Chicago man to live on coupons for a year

Living on nothing but Groupons for a year is the goal for Josh Stevens. The Groupon challenge is a dare the online coupon company made earlier this year. Groupon challenged all comers to see if they could live off nothing but unlimited free Groupons for 12 months. Stevens took the plunge. Living life as the “Groupawn,” he’s about a quarter of the way through his year of travelling the country chasing Groupon deals for his basic needs. In Stevens’ Groupon universe, those basics can consist of carriage rides, yoga classes, boat cruises and lots of food.

Groupon blog tracks discounted adventures

Stevens, who used to be a corporate auditor, left his cubicle behind and accepted the Groupon challenge in May. He told CNN that he started with one pair of shoes, socks, underwear and a paper suit made of Groupons. A laptop, camera, internet card and phone were also supplied by Groupon.Stevens can’t use or even touch cash, but he’s supplied with online coupons that can be used for lodging, dining and buying. He must travel solo and only five visits from family or friends, lasting no more than a day, are allowed.As he barters his way across the country using Groupon coupons, his exploits can be reviewed in the Groupawn blog.

Groupawn guy gains a following

Stevens wins $ 100,000 if he completes the challenge. Last weekend, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel caught up with Stevens.He was hitting Milwaukee to take advantage of his latest Groupon deal. The Sentinel said Stevens thought a lot more bartering on the street would be required as he traveled. But when he talks about what he’s doing individuals want to become part of it.He arrived in Milwaukee more than three months into his Groupons tour, which has taken him to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and several other cities so far.

Purchasing into the Groupon business model

Groupons are daily deals offered by local merchants sold on the company’s website. The site offers Groupon deals in more than 165 markets in 22 nations to 11 million subscribers. The deal doesn’t become valid until a certain number of individuals purchase the offer. When the quota is met, owners of the offer receive an email link that allows them to print their Groupon. The offer is pulled if the quota isn’t reached. If the offer is cancelled, the charges are voided.

Caught off guard by Groupons

The Groupon business model has proven so lucrative that at least 500 copycat websites have emerged, according to the Chicago Tribune. But Groupon coupons can backfire for a business promoting its products and services . Many Chicago merchants, the Tribune reports, have been burned by the scale of the response. A Groupon promotion launched by a Chicago bagel company sold an $ 8 voucher for any menu item for $ 3. Nearly 10,000 Groupons sold. After splitting 50 percent of the revenue with Groupon, the standard deal for most businesses, the bagel shop netted about $ 15,000 for giving up $ 80,000 worth of food.

Further reading


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Chicago Tribune

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