Monday, July 19, 2010

Better off silent proved by Mel Gibson tapes

Oksana Grigorieva, Gibson’s new girlfriend, and Mel Gibson’s new scandal has given him many publicity. It is all bad. Lawsuits and a domestic violence charge are both looking like they might happen. There were rumors of a domestic dispute. There was also the release of the “Mel Gibson tapes” which doesn’t help This could seriously hurt his career.

A verbal assault is shown by the Mel Gibson tapes

It’s too bad he didn’t figure out how to sell the “Mel Gibson tapes” himself. He would be making a fortune, especially if he trademarked the phrase. He might not be able to recuperate from this if they’re real (see His agency, William Morris Endeavor, already fired him. The thing about Hollywood is that if you don’t have an agent, you do not have a SAG card, which means you don’t work as an actor or director, or at least it is very hard to do so. So this may be the end of Gibson’s career.

Easily gone is tolerance

After this “Mel Gibson tapes” saga, there likely won’t be a “Lethal Weapon 5.”. Individuals can say anything they want, even if it is misguided. No matter what they say, the government won’t be able to actually do anything. That said, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other consequences.

Why we get away from the crazy person?

Does the name John Rocker ring any bells? After the Atlanta braves kicked out their pitcher for his racist comments, he had no career left. Rush Limbaugh is an example. Following the Donovan McNabb debacle, he was fired by ESPN. Larry Johnson, the NFL player, is an additional example. He was released after his homophobic comments he made publicly. Of course he had stopped playing well at that point. Just because someone is racist or prejudice doesn’t mean they can stay around working individuals.

More details about this topic at these websites

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